Dictators Come to Power

  • Mussolini March on Rome

    The march forced King Victor Emmanuel III to make Mussolini prime minister. From that point on, Mussolini set about making Italy a fascist country.
  • Stalin becomes a dictator

    Stalin assumed leadership over the country following Lenin's death in 1924.
  • Hitler writes Mein-Kampf

    Hitler writes Mein-Kampf
    Hitler’s book, Mein-Kampf (‘My Struggle’) was published. He wrote it in prison, where he was serving a sentence for a failed coup he attempted.
  • 1st “five year plan” in USSR

    1st “five year plan” in USSR
    The first five year plan was created in order to initiate rapid and large-scale industrialization across the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    They sought raw materials to fuel its growing industries, Japan invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria.
  • Holodomor begins

     Holodomor begins
    The leadership of the Soviet Union committed it in order to suppress Ukrainians and ultimately eliminate Ukrainian resistance to the regime, including efforts to build an independent Ukrainian state.
  • Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler was appointed as Chancellor of Germany and the Nazi Party assumed control.
  • The “Night of the Long Knives” in Germany

    The “Night of the Long Knives” in Germany
    The Night of the Long Knives represented a triumph for Hitler and a turning point for the German government. It established Hitler as "the supreme leader of the German people"
  • The Nuremberg Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws
    The Nuremberg Laws were antisemitic and racist laws that were enacted in Nazi Germany. They believed in the false theory that the world is divided into distinct races that are not equally strong and valuable.
  • Italy invaded Ethiopia

    Italy invaded Ethiopia
    Italy invaded Ethiopia in October 1935, launching a war that would drive Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie into exile, pave the way for Italian occupation, and test the capacity and will of the League of Nations to check the aggression of expansionist states
  • The Anti-Comintern Pact

    The Anti-Comintern Pact
    The Anti-Comintern Pact was an agreement between Germany, Italy, and Japan, that they would work together to stop the spread of Communism around the globe. This was aimed squarely at the USSR.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    Spanish Civil War was the military revolt against the Republican government of Spain, supported by conservative elements within the country.
  • The Rape of Nanjing

    The Nanjing Massacre also called the Rape of Nanjing (1937), was the mass killing and the ravaging of Chinese citizens and capitulated soldiers by soldiers of the Japanese Imperial Army
  • The Great Purge

    The Great Purge
    The Great Purge or the Great Terror, also known as the Year of '37 and the Yezhovshchina was Soviet General Secretary Joseph Stalin's campaign to solidify his power
  • Kristallnach

    This is an incident known as “Kristallnacht”, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools, and businesses, and murdered close to 100 Jews.