The Armistance
The German Government started the Armistance that marked the end of World War I -
The Fascist Party
Benito Mussolini organized the fascist party that composed of veterans and other Italians. -
Weimar Republic
German leaders created a constitution in the city of Weimar. The constitution had set up a parliamentary system led by a chancellor(prime minister). -
The Treaty of Versailles
The representatives of the new German Republic were forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty forced Germany to take complete blame for the war, and pay for all of the damage and injuries that were caused by the war. Other parts of the treaty were created so that Germany's military would become weaker. -
Nazis Formed
Under the power of Adolf Hitler, the Nazi party was formed in Munich Germany. The group had very strict and strong military beliefs. -
March on Rome
The Fascist "Black Shirts" marched into Rome and King Victor Emmanuel III was very worried. The fear led to Mussolini becoming the prime minister. -
General Secretary
As Russia was becoming the Soviet Union, Stalin became the General Secretary of the Communist Party which placed others in specific jobs. -
Hitler's Start
A German army veteran and leader of an extremist party named Adolf Hitler was inspired by Mussolini. He tried to follow his path by setting up a small-scale coup in Munich. The coup failed and Hitler was jailed. This proved that he will do what it takes for power. -
Runaway Inflation
In 1923 Germany started to fall behind in the reparations payments. Because of that France occupied the coal-rich Ruhr Valley. The German workers protested and Inflation went up greatly. -
"Mein Kampf"
While Hitler was in prison after his failed attempt of taking power in Munich, he wrote "Mein Kampf". The book (that translates to "My Struggle") became the basic book of all of the Nazi party. In his book he talked about how he felt that Germans belonged to a superior race who's greatest problem are the Jewish people. -
Economic Crisis
After the United States and France helped Germany with the reparation payments, Germany began to prosper. Shortly after, the Great Depression hit. Since Germany had experience with an economic crisis, they turned to the passionate leader Adolf Hitler, who promised to solve the crisis and restore Germany. -
Admitted to League of Nations
Germany had tried to become part of the League of Nations because of their new policy to them. -
Italian Dictator
In 1925 Mussolini made himself the dictator of Italy and took the title "II Duce" -
Italy's Youth
One of Mussolini's main goals was creating young fascists. He took over schools and created fascist youth groups that toughened children and taught them strict discipline -
Start of Stalin's Five-Year Plan
Once Stalin had the power he forced government control over the Soviet Union economy. He came up with the first of his several "five-year plans" that aimed at building heavy industry and increasing farm output. Many soviet workers were not treated fairly. -
the kulak class
After many peasants were furious about the collectives (state-owned farms) they damaged the crops to show that they were against. In response Stalin felt that they could be part of the resistance so he declared his intention to "liquidate the kulaks as a class" -
Terror Famine
After the "de-kulakization" the peasants would only grow enough food for themselves, so the government cut off all of their grain leading them to starve. The governments policy and poor harvests lead to the Terror Famine across the country. -
Germany Becomes a Totalitarian State
To achieve his main goals, Hitler adapted a brutal but efficient system called totalitarian rule. Under totalitarian rule Nazis controlled all areas of German life. He formed his elite secret police called the Gestapo. -
The first concentration camp called Dachau was established in Germany. Concentration camps were part of Hitlers plan to exterminate all of the Jews. -
Hitler Elected Chancelor
With the government fearing the growth of the communist power they turned to Hitler. Even though they did not like him, they felt that they would be able to control him. Soon after, he was elected chancelor under the Weimar constitution. -
The Great Purge
Stalin's fear fear that the rival parties were plotting against him caused him to launch the Great Purge. During the Great Purge his secret police charged early Bolsheviks and activists, army heroes, industrial managers, writers, and citizens with many crimes. -
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The Night of the Long Knives
Natzi leader demands a bloody purge of men in his own political party. He ordered the assassination of hundreds of Nazis who he believed could eventually become political enemies in the future. -
Dictator of Germany
Within a year of Hitler becoming chancelor, he became the dictator of Germany. With his power he got rid of civil rights, destroyed the socialists and communists, and stopped other political parties. He made Germany a one-party state and killed Nazis he felt did not support him. -
Nuremberg Laws
Because of Hitlers obsessive antisemitism he wanted to drive all of the Jews out of Germany. So, in 1935 the Nazi party passed the Nuremberg Laws, which deprived Jews of German citizenship and put many restrictions against them. -
Attack in Ethiopia
In 1935 Benito Mussolini attacked the country of Ethiopia. The reason behind it was because he had adopted Hitler's plan to expand and gain new territory. -
To better control the cultural life of the Soviet Union Stalin promoted russification(making a nationality's culture more Russian). By 1936 the U.S.S.R was made up of 11 Soviet Socialist Republics. The increase of nationalism made Russia the largest and dominants republic. -
In 1936, Hitler's first target for conquest was Rhineland. He had his army of Nazis train and march to the border. When they got there, they were met with no resistance. -
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Show trials
Between 1936-1938 Stalin staged many public "show trials" in Moscow. After torturing them he would make many former communist leaders confess to crimes that they did not commit. -
Chamberlain Appeases Hitler
Since the British army was very run down, and the prime minister Chamberlain did not want there to be more war, he appeased Hitler by allowing him to take Sudetenland. The appeasement did not satisfy Hitler because he wanted world domination. -
With the goal of taking over the Austrian government, on March 12 1938 German troops marched into Austria annex (add/expand) the nation of the Third Reich. -
Treaty of Munich
Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladier of France and Mussolini meet in Munich and agree Hitler should have Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia -
Night of Broken Glass
A young Jew whose parents were treated unfairly in Germany shot and injured a German diplomat in Paris, so Hitler used that event as an excuse to attack all Jews. Kristallnacht or "Night of Broken Glass" consisted of Nazis attacking Jewish communities in Germany.