Dictator Timeline

By Phi
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    Allies discuss about Europe
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    Germany suffers from signing this treaty
  • Fascist party is created

    Fascist party is created
    Mussolini organized veterans and other discontented Italians into the Fascist party
  • Weimar Republic is created

    Weimar Republic is created
    It is a democratic government created by a constitution that German leaders created
  • Gulags

    A labor camp where people were overworked to death
  • Mussolini's Black Shirts are Created

    Mussolini's Black Shirts are Created
    Party militants who rejected democracy in favor of violent actions
  • The "Red Scare"

    The "Red Scare"
    Fear of radicals and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia spread through the United States
  • The Nazi Party

    The Nazi Party
    Hitler leads the Nazi party which was growing
  • Soviet Union was formed

    Soviet Union was formed
    A socialist republic formed by Lenin
  • Hitler Starts as an Extremist

    Hitler Starts as an Extremist
    Hitler staged a small-scale coup in Munich
  • Sympathy for Germany

    Sympathy for Germany
    The United States gained British and French approval for reduction of German reparations after World War 1
  • Stalin's use of Lenin

    Stalin's use of Lenin
    Stalin displays Lenin's corpse to show that he will carry on the goals of revolution
  • Lenin Passes Away

    Lenin Passes Away
    Lenin was in control of the Soviet Union which meant that Stalin is going to take control
  • Mussolini Takes Control

    Mussolini Takes Control
    Mussolini suppressed rival parties, rigged elections, and replaced elected officials with Fascist supporters
  • Fascists Create a Youth Group

    Fascists Create a Youth Group
    Children were pressurized to join this group for support of the Fascists
  • Stalin's Five Year Plan

    Stalin's Five Year Plan
    Increase economy by building heavy industry, improving transportation, and increasing farm output is Stalin's plan that was introduced
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The stock market crashes and many people lose jobs and income and it spreads worldwide
  • March on Rome

    March on Rome
    Tens of thousands of Fascists swarmed towards the capital
  • Mussolini gains support from the pope

    Mussolini gains support from the pope
    Pope Pius XI supported Mussolini for recognizing Vatican City as an independent state
  • Liquidation of Kulaks

    Liquidation of Kulaks
    Stalin takes away the land of wealthy farmers, or kulaks and sends them to concentration camps
  • Food as a weapon

    Food as a weapon
    Stalin seized all of the peasants' grains to sell, leaving them to starve
  • Terror Famine

    Terror Famine
    Stalin's ruthless policy and poor harvests combined to lead to a famine
  • Hitler's Speech

    Hitler's Speech
    Hitler's speech won him support claiming to support Germany's disarmament
  • Nazi Concentration Camps

    Nazi Concentration Camps
    Hitler's concentration camps expanded into death camps which mainly targeted Jews
  • "Night of the Long Knives"

    "Night of the Long Knives"
    Hitler orders his elite guards to murder his opponents
  • Stalin's Great Purge

    Stalin's Great Purge
    Stalin eliminates those that were charged with crimes counterrevolutionary plots to failures to meet production quotas
  • Invasion of Ethiopia

    Invasion of Ethiopia
    Italy invades Ethiopia under Mussolini's rule
  • Persecution of Jews

    Persecution of Jews
    Passage of the Nuremberg Laws prevented Jews of German citizenship and marrying or having relations with people of German blood
  • Stalin's Promotion of Russification

    Stalin's Promotion of Russification
    The U.S.S.R was made up of 11 Soviet Socialist Republics
  • Occupation of the Rhine

    Occupation of the Rhine
    Hitler ignores the advice of his generals and occupies left bank of the Rhine
  • "Show Trials" in Moscow

    "Show Trials" in Moscow
    Former Communist leaders confessed to all kinds of crimes after they have been tortured or they threatened their families or friends
  • League of Nations Weakens

    League of Nations Weakens
    Italy and Germany leaves the League of Nations
  • The Maginot Line Fully Built

    The Maginot Line Fully Built
    A wall that was made by France to try and prevent further German invasions
  • Invasion of Austria

    Invasion of Austria
    Hitler invades Austria with the support of Mussolini
  • Results of Stalin's Five Year Plan

    Results of Stalin's Five Year Plan
    Industrialization soared during Stalin's plan