Dictator Project

  • War Ends

    War Ends
    Armistice with Germany ends the war.
  • Weimar Republic

    Weimar Republic
    The Weimar Republic was established in Germany.
  • Students Protest

    Students Protest
    Chinese students protest the Paris Peace Conference.
  • Deadly Influenza

    Deadly Influenza
    A deadly influenza pandemic sweeps across the world killing more than 20 million people.
  • First Pan-African Congress

    First Pan-African Congress
    First Pan-African Congress meets in Paris.
  • Draft Of Treaty of Versailles

    Draft Of Treaty of Versailles
    Delegates to the Paris Peace Conference draft the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Communist-Led Government Overthrown

    Communist-Led Government Overthrown
    In Hungary a military strongman Nicholas Horthy overthrew the Communist-Led Government.
  • Period: to

    Red Scare

    The Red Scare sweeps the United States.
  • Amritsar Massacre

    Amritsar Massacre
    50 British soldiers opened fire on a peaceful unarmed crowd killing 400 and wounding more than 1100.
  • The Jazz Age

    The Jazz Age
    The 1920's became known as the Jazz Age.
  • Alcohol Became Prohibited

    Alcohol Became Prohibited
    In the United States alcohol became prohibited when the 18th amendment went into effect.
  • Chinese Communist Party

    Chinese Communist Party
    Chinese Communist Party was founded, Sun Yixian and Guomindang fight the warlords.
  • Benito Mussolini

    Benito Mussolini
    Benito Mussolini takes to power of Italy after the March on Rome.
  • Hitler Failed to Gain Power

    Hitler Failed to Gain Power
    Hitler failed to seize power in Munich.
  • Germany Loses Ruhr Valley

    Germany Loses Ruhr Valley
    France occupied the coal-rich Ruhr Valley from Germany.
  • Locarno Treaties

    Locarno Treaties
    Several European nations signed the Locarno treaties for world peace.
  • Jiang Jieshi

    Jiang Jieshi
    Jiang Jieshi takes over Guomindang after Sun dies.
  • Strike In Britain

    Strike In Britain
    More than three million workers go on strike in Britain.
  • Poland Gets taken Over

    Poland Gets taken Over
    Military hero Joseph Pilsudski took control of Poland.
  • Northern Expedition

    Northern Expedition
    Guomindang and Chinese Communists fight warlords in the Northern Expedition.
  • Five Year Plan

    Five Year Plan
    Joseph Stalin launches the first of his Five Year Plans in the Soviet Union.
  • Great Depression Start

    Great Depression Start
    The Great Depression begins in the United States.
  • Stalin Kills Kulaks

    Stalin Kills Kulaks
    Stalin wanted to wipe out all Kulaks and sent them to labor camps.
  • Maginot Line

    Maginot Line
    Construction of the Maginot Line begins on the border of France and Germany.
  • Soviet Woman

    Soviet Woman
    Many Soviet women started working in medicine, engineering, and sciences.
  • Starvation In Soviet Union

    Starvation In Soviet Union
    Stalin's ruthless policies combined with failed crops caused mass famine in the Soviet Union.
  • Stalin Seizes Crops

    Stalin Seizes Crops
    If peasants failed to meet quotas, Stalin seized the land and sold all the crops.
  • 18th Amendment Repealed

    18th Amendment Repealed
    The prohibition on alcohol was repealed in the United States.
  • Chancellor of Germany

    Chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany.
  • Long March

    Long March
    Communists retreat in what becomes known as the Long March.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    Nazi Party in Germany passes the Nuremberg Laws limiting the rights of Jews.
  • USSR

    The USSR was made up of 11 Socialist Republics.
  • German Diplomat Shot

    German Diplomat Shot
    A young Jew whose parents had been mistreated in Germany shot and wounded a German Diplomat in Paris.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    German mobs smashed the windows of Jewish homes and business, looted Jewish shops, and burned synagogues.
  • Public Show Trials

    Public Show Trials
    Stalin staged a series of spectacular public show trials in Moscow.