Dick Gregory

By JAM1824
  • The Birth of Dick Gregory

    Richard Claxton Gregory known as Dick Gregory, was born in St. Louis, Missouri by Lucille and Presley Gregory. He was made as the 3rd child out of 6.
  • Shining Shoes

    At the time it was illegal for young black boys to work, at a bar in the 1940's, even though nobody cared. Gregory anyways, got a job shining shoes at a local tavern (a bar) every night while his mother was doing her job.
  • Army Invitation

    Gregory had received a letter from the US Army a draft letter. Then was sent to Arkansas to begin his training. Later on, he was transferred to Fort Lee in Petersburg, Virginia because his location was switched.
  • Period: to

    College Days

    Gregory went to Southern Illinois University for college and ran on the track team
  • Life Beginning

    Gregory had married his wife,Lillian Smith , and had 1 child at the time Michelle Gregory.
  • Stand Up Comedian

    Gregory was positioned to be the stand-up comedian at the Playboy Club.
  • Participated in the Civil Rights Movement

    Participated in the Civil Rights Movement
    Gegory participated in the Civil Rights movement in going to Birmingham to protest for African American rights.
  • Published His First book

    Published His First book
    Gregory published "Nigger" an autobiography describing his lifestyle.
  • Hunger Campaign

    Gregory did many fundraisers to help out the hungry people in Marks,Mississippi, and sent 10,000 pounds worth of navy beans.
  • Running for President

    Gregory had ran for president in 1968 against Richard Nixon. No time wasted, Nixon won for President from 1968-1974.
  • Diagnosed with Cancer

    Gregory was soon diagnosed with Lymphoma. He refused to take what the doctors told him, which is chemotherapy, and did his own thing by getting on a diet and other alternative cures to his knowlodge.
  • Being Healthy

    Gregory was engaged into doing a healt and fitness industry where it interacted with in african american health and created 4-X Fadting Formula.
  • The Death of Dick Gregory

    The Death of Dick Gregory
    Gregory was known as an actor, comedian, entreperneur, writer, social activist and critic. He had 11 children, but his son Richard died 2 months after birth counting as 10 children still living.