I went into Salem and watched the tria;s. There was a large crowd at the trials. I didn't like to see how the bewitched people were upset. -
Giles Cory
Around noon 81 year old Giles Cory was put to death. He was crushed with stones for not pleading guility to witchcrafted. It took him two days to die painfully. -
group of friends
My brother and I had a group of friends over. We were talking about writing about some of the witch trials. We recieved a good rain that night -
Prayed to God
I prayed to God so he would forgive my sins. I also prayed for the judges and everyone else that was in the trials. May God bless everyone. -
My son reads out lound to me in Latin. He reads the verses Matthew 12 verse 6 throught 12. The 7th verse reminded me of the sadness during the Salem tragedy