April 11th, 1692
On April 11th 1692, a person goes to Salem, where, in the meeting was a person who had been acussed of whichcraft, were examined. Even though it was a very great assemby it was awful to see how the afflicted persons were agitated. -
August 19th, 1692
August 19th, 1692 was the day George Burroughs, John Proctor, Martha Carrier, and George Jacobs were executed at the Salem, with a very great number of spectators present. And With Mr Cotton Mather, Mr. Sims, Hale, Noyes, Cheever, and others claiming to be innoent. -
Gilley Cory
Giley Cory was pressed to death for standing mute. Much of his pain was used with for two days, by the court and capt. Garauner of Nantucket who had been in his acquantiance, but in vain. -
Dorcas Hoar
Dorcas Hoar, sends a petition to the sheriff asking him to forbear her execution, notwithstanding her being in the warrant to die the next day. She was the 1st person to confess of being a witch. -
-Sam Recites- December 24, 1694
Sam recited to a person in Latin, Matthew 12 from the 6th to the end of the 12th verse. As he reads, verse 7th awfully brings him memories of the Salem tragedy.