Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever

By evan b.
  • Period: to

    Timespan of Greg's Diary

  • Greg Prepares for Christmas

    Greg is trying to keep track of all his actions for christmas. He knows that if he messes up during the holiday season, he's not going to get as many presents as he wants to get. To make matters worse, Greg's mom has a doll called, "Santa's Scout" and she says he reports to Santa to tell him if Greg and his brothers Rodrick and Manny are being good or bad. Also Greg recalls his previous present, a doll called Alfrendo.
  • Greg Desribes his School

    In this chapter of Greg's life, he describes some of the basic events at his school. His school has held a contest to see who can create the best anti-bullying slogan. The winner of the contest gets a pizza party. Also, Greg describes how his schoolyard is a prison, since
  • Greg Describes His Free Time

    During the course of the end of November, Greg has been spending a lot of time on an interactive game called "Net Kritterz" and is try to convince his parents to float him a couple dollars to make his pet's "mood meter" back to "calm".
  • Greg and Rowley have an Argument

    Greg's mom makes him invite Rowley to his house to have a "friend to friend" interaction. Greg and Rowley get into a heated conversation about the spelling of the word "volleyball". Greg makes up a dare that whoeever could walk into the woods at night, write their name on the treehouse and come back was right about "volleyball" and had to them "sir" for the rest of their life.Greg tricks Rowley into agreeing and just walks in through the front door , rubs dirt on his face, and Rowley gave up.
  • Greg Goes into Business

    Greg realizes he needs money for his pet on "Net Kritterz" so he goes around, knocking on peoples doors, and asking them if they'll pay him $5 to shovel their driveway. He talks to two people, and by the end of his second job, he's now $20 short.
  • Greg wins the "Student of the week" award

    Geg wins the student of the week award and wants to put the bumper sticker on his dad's new sports car, but his dad doesn't want to "junk up" his new car. Greg gives it to Manny telling him to putting on his wagon, but Manny puts it on the middle of dad's car. Greg ends up scratching the car's paint,
    dad finds out and has to get a new car.
  • Greg tries to save his Money for the Holiday Bazaar

    Every year, around this time, the school holds a holiday bazaar, and Greg realizes he'll need to save his money for the bazaar, because his mom doesn't give him any money to spend when he's there.
  • Greg Continues to be Broke

    Greg tries to sell his first edition graphic novel "Tower of Druids" signed by the author, Kenny Centazzo, but the the clerk at the store tells Greg that his autograph is a fake. Geg is confused, but realizes that there's one person who could of signed it: his own mom.
  • Greg decides to Make his own Holiday Bazaar and Newspaper

    When Greg goes with his mom to the groceries , he sees the favourite chicken drumstick brand, "Drummies" and sees that you can buy a pack of twenty for the price of three or four. Greg gets the idea of starting his own bazaar and newspaper to get the word out.
  • Greg and Rowley have become wanted suspects

    When Greg and Rowley try to put up posters on the school walls to advertise their bazaar, it starts to rain and the water makes the green ink on the poster start to bleed, so they leave three big green splotches on the school wall.
  • Greg gets snowed in

    Overnight, it snows a foot and a half, causing Greg and his family(minus dad) to stay inside, and Manny blows all of Gregs Kritter Kash at the Kritterz Kasino and also changes his password along with the parental controls on the TV. Plus, Manny breaks mom's glasses
  • Greg's Basement gets flooded

    During the overnight hours, the snow melted and ended up flooding the entire basement, including Rodrick's room, so he ends up moving his stuff into Gregs romm. The family spends most of the day trying to clean water out of the basement.
  • Greg finds his doll Alfrendo

    Greg found his doll, Alfrendo in the flood and spent this day sort of "socializing" with Alfrendo again. That is, until Alfrendo and Santa's Scout go missing.
  • Greg finds out who stole the heater

    Greg has been stuck in a freezing house since the storm started, and is now trying to find out why the heat isn't working. Rowley visits and tells Greg everyone else still has power, so Greg and mom go to Manny's room and chew him out for stealing the heat, and Alfrendo and Santa's Scout.
  • Dad comes home

    Greg's dad finally comes home, and brings fast food to his starving family. Meanwhile, before Greg goes to bed, mom asks Greg to go drop off a present for the toy drive at the police station, so Greg has fun trying to get the gift in the bin without being seen. Also, Greg shovels the sidewalk to the church and the soup kitchen.
  • Christmas Day in the Heffley Household

    Greg woke up early on Christmas only to fing out he got a v-neck sweater and the "Tower of Druids" novel signed to "Craig". Before Greg goes to bed, he looks at the front page that morning and realized it was an article honouring him. I guess it all paid of in the end.