My Journey through Life

  • The first day on Earth.

    The first day on Earth.
    I was born in Jalisco, Mexico. I was the last child my mom had. I was a fat, 8 pound baby with a lot of hair.
  • I started kindergarden.

    I started kindergarden.
    My mom would walk me to school every morning. I did not cry because I actually wanted to go. I did hate that it was so early.
  • Moved to California with Family.

    Moved to California with Family.
    I came to California by myself to meet up with my dad. I didn't want to leave my mom but i was going to see her soon. It was a drastic change for me.
  • Started School again but in California.

    Started School again but in California.
    I did not want to go to school because I did not understand anyone. I cried and screamed so my mom would stay and she did. At the end of the day, I would hate leaving kinder.
  • Grandma Passed away.

    Grandma Passed away.
    When my grandma died and I did not cry because I did not understand. A few days later I understood when my mom explained it to me and I did not stop crying. I cried for months, everyday after that.
  • Moved to Westminster from Santa Ana.

    Moved to Westminster from Santa Ana.
    Moving from Santa Ana to Westminster was confusing to me. All the different people and different environment. I hated my new school and friends.
  • Moved into a new apartment .

    Moved into a new apartment .
    We stayed in this neighborhood for the next 6 years. I loved it back in Santa Ana. I met two of my best friends here.
  • Broke my 1st bone, the Coccyx.

    Broke my 1st bone, the Coccyx.
    I got pushed by a 5 year old while roller skating and i fell on my back. When I tried to get back up I felt my bone crack. The ambulance came.
  • Moved to Buena Park.

    Moved to Buena Park.
    I moved to Buena Park with my family. I stayed living here for almost 3 years. I finished Gilbert Elementary and started Buena Park Middle School.
  • Bullying Experience.

    Bullying Experience.
    My first day at Gilbert Elementary was the worse. By the second week i was getting wet paper towels thrown at me in the girls restroom by 20, sixth grade girls.
  • My 1st Nephew was born.

    My 1st Nephew was born.
    My older sister had her 1st child. The first baby of the house was Jayden, who I love. I was and am his second mom.
  • Got baptized in my church.

    Got baptized in my church.
    I was baptized in my Christian church. Best decision i have made in life.I was 15.
  • Started Working.

    Started Working.
    I had my first official job at 15 in a clothing store. I hated to ask my mom for money so i got a job. been working since then.
  • Moved to Garden Grove.

    Moved to Garden Grove.
    I moved here my freshmen year and started Santiago High School. Moved several times after but around Garden Grove and been here ever since.
  • Received my own Puppy.

    Received my own Puppy.
    Rocky, my 8 month old Pitbull/English Bulldog was my 18th birthday present from my boyfriend. He was 2 weeks old when I received him. He was and is my baby.