United States
- Economic
- Countries created: U.S
- It was costing to much for the British Empire to keep the U.S. so they allowed independance peacefully. They allowed peaceful independance so the U.K and U.S could still trade and be on "good terms" .
- Cultural
- Countries created: Ireland
- Ireland is catholic and did not want to be ruled by protestants.
Soviet Union
- Political/ Military
- Countries created: Russia,Ukraine,Belarus,Moldova,Latvia,Lithuania,Estonia,Georgia,Armenia,Azerbaijan,Kazakhstan,Turkmenistan,Tajikistan,Kyrgyzstan,Uzbekistan
- Communism fell and the countries split because they were afraid the communism would start back up again.
- Economic
- Countries created: Czech Republic and Slovakia
- A peaceful split; Slovakia were poor and they wanted to join the EU to get help. West was industrializing faster than the east. Czech Republic was with the west and Slovakia with the east.
- Cultural
- Countries created: Quebec is still a province of Canada
- Quebec wants independance because they're French and not english. They don't " fit in " .