Triple Alliance: Supranationalism
The Triple Alliance consists of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.They came together to keep the peace in Europe (the opposite of what they actually do). -
Triple Entente: Supranationalism
The Triple Entente was an alliance between France, Russia and Great Britian. It was set up in 1907 to counter the Triple Alliance that included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and italy. It is a Political/Military alliance because they agreed not to conduct hostile actions toward one another -
Ireland and Gret Britain: Devolution
Ireland is an island just to the west of Great Britain. It was once under British control but was granted Independence because of the cultural differences. Most people in Ireland (except in the north) are Catholic, and Great Britain is mostly Protestant. The catholics on Ireland didn't like being ruled by a protestant majority due to conflicting views. So they were granted Independence. -
East/West Germany: Devolution
East and West Germany are the result of the Iron Curtain. After WWII the United States and its allies occupied Western Germany and the Soviet Union had the Eastern portion. As the Cold War set in the Countries were split because of governmental differences. East Germany was a Communist state under the Soviet Union and West Germany was a Democracy under the U.S., United Kingdom, and France. The split was due to a political conflict with contradicting governments. -
Warsaw Pact: Supranationalism
The Warsaw Pact was an alliance between the Soviet Union and Communist Eastern European countries it was created in response to West Germany joining NATO. All countries in the Pact promised eachother military support if anyone of them were attacked (particularlly by a country from NATO). -
European Union: Supranationalism
The European Union started as the European Coal and Steel Community with 6 members; it later evolved into the European Economic Community. The EU now has 27 members. They formed to economically unite Europe, by geting rid of tariffs on goods, as well as implimenting a common currency and freeing travel between countries in the EU. This in an Economic membership because they reduce or eliminate tariffs and create common currencies for economic benefits. -
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
The PLO was set up to represent the Palestinian people after Israel was established. They were recognized as a terrorist organization until the Madrid Conference in 1991. They are now recognized as a legitament organization designed to protect and speak out for the Palestinian people. This is a cultural example because they represent the Muslims in Israel/Palestine. -
Soviet Union: Devolution
The Soviet Union was the result of Russia's gains during and after WWII. The Soviet Union consisted of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mordova, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. In 1989 the soviet Unions economy collapsed and most of the countries under its control overthrew their governments and became democratic. This split up was due to economic problems, because of the Soviet's spending in military assets. -
Yugoslavia: Devolution
Yugoslavia was a country with many different ethic groups. The area it was located has always had problems with ethnic conflict. The country came together after WWI and lasted until the fall of the Soviet Union. When Communism fell most of the different ethnic groups in the country declared independence, sometimes turning violent. This country split up for cultural reasons due to the differences and hostilities between the different groups. -
Quebec and Canada: Devolution
The Canadian people of Quebec are pushing for independence. Their reasons for this are cultural. Most people in Quebec are of French decsent, and on top of thing most of them are Cotholic as the rest of Canada is mostly Protestant. The 1995 Quebec Referendum asked voters of Quebec whether the province should secede or not. The "Sepratists" lost by 1 percent. The Vote: 49% said yes, 51% said no.