Devin Siracuse China TImeline

By Laxer8
  • Period: to

    Modernizing China

  • Long March

    Long March
    The Long March was a retreat by the Red Army. The soliders retreated from Jiangxi to Yanan. Less than 10,000 soliders out of 87,000 surived the march.
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    Britain attacked China after China made opium illegal and blew up a shipment. Britain won because they were industrialized. Britain made China sign the unequal treaties.
  • Great Leap Forward

    Great Leap Forward
    This program was introduced by Mao. The program diveded China into communes. This led to a disaster because pesants were destroying crops which led to less food.
  • Four Modernizations

    Four Modernizations
    Deng stressed economic reform instead of class struggle. He named this the Four Modernizations. The main idea was to have households to produce more food.
  • Tiananmen Square

    Tiananmen Square
    In June of 1989 students gathered in the square to protest reforms. Many others gathered and this was ended in a massacre