The day I was born. During this time, the Beginning of Piaget Sensorimotor stage, which is when I started to build my motor reflexes and started to turn them into a more sophisicated procedure. Generalizing my behaviors such as sleep and eat, to later on develop a wider range of situations and behavioral responses while coordinating them more properly. Until the end of my 1st month I try to understand my environment through my inborn reflexes such as nursing and blinking. -
First Words
About a year after I was born I started formulating a few "words" such as "papai" (portuguese for daddy) and "mamae" (portugese for mommy) also "auau" which is a cute way to say doggy in portugues. This fits into Piaget's Tertiary Circular Reactions PerIod which is when children begin a period of trial-and-error experimentation such as trying out different sounds and actions as a way of getting attention from a caregiver like I started doing. -
2 Years Old
The time of my 2nd birthday. Piaget's Sensorimotor Period comes to an end and his PreOperational Thought Period begins.His Early Representational Thought Theory is applied which is when children begin to develop symbols to represent events or objects in the world in the final sensorimotor substage. During this stage I began to move towards understanding the world using cognitive operations . -
My 7th Birthday
The time of my 7th Birthday arrives. Piagets PreOperational Thought Period ends and the Concrete Operations Period starts. -
My 12th Birthday
Time of my 12th Birthday. Piagets Concrete Operations Period ends and his Formal Operations Period starts. -
15th Birthday
Still in Piaget's Formal Operations Period.