Day I was Born
Physical -
Said my first word
Cognitive -
Took my first step
Physical -
1st Christmas
Social -
1st Birthday
Biological -
Potty Trained
Cognitive -
First Dance Recital
Social -
My baby Brother was Born!
Biological -
First Day of Kindergarden
Cognitive -
First dance competiton
Social -
Bought a Toy with my own money!
Physical -
Learned to chew gum & blow a bubble!
Cognitive -
Got dressed on my own!
Social -
Made my first item w/ my Easy Bake Oven!
Social -
Day my Grandpa Died :/
Biological -
My brother gave me pink eye
Physical -
Passed my EOG's
Social -
Started Middle School
Cognitive -
First Report Card! (All A's)
Cognitive -
First day of High School
Social -
Get my permit
Social -
Sweet 16!
Biological -
Got my license
Social -
Learn to Drive a Stick Shift
Cognitive -
First Car wreck
Physical -
18th Birthday
BIological -
Day I Graduated from High school
Social -
21st Birthday
Biological -
Day I graduate college
Social -
My mom and dad retire
Social -
Day I get Married
Social -
Honeymoon! (Paris, France)
Social -
Birth my first child
Biological -
Day my brother gets drafted
Physical/Social -
Have my 2nd child
Biological -
Husband Buys me a Car for Christmas
Social -
My brother gets married!
Physical -
I become an Aunt (my brother has a kid)
Biological -
Brother Buys me a new house!
Physical -
Day I retire
Social -
Day I Die