The baby is born. Development begins. -
Rooting Reflex
When an infant's cheek is brushed they open their mouth and begin to suck. This reflex disappears after a year. -
Grasping Reflex
When an infant's palms are touched they grasp their fist tightly. This reflex disappears within a year. -
Babinski Reflex
When the center of the bottom of an infant's foot is stroked upwards their toes flare outward, and they push against the stimuli. This reflex disappears by age 2. -
Period: to
Infancy spans from birth to about 2 years old. Certain relfexes are prevalent and perception is limited to faces and patterns. Some infants shows signs of morality at a very young age. Cognition is also limited at this point but develops rather quickly. -
Piaget: Preoperational Stage
The child can't logcally reason, but they use symbols to represent objects. A child is also egocentric during this stage. Begins at age 2 and ends at age 6. -
Erikson: Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
The child begins to practice independence and dependency upon others. Begins around 18 months until age 3. -
Kohlberg: Instrumental Relativist
The child thinks along the lines of "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." The child conforms to the rules of society in order to receive rewards. Begins at age 2. -
Freud: Anal Stage
The child's pleasure seeking is focused on the control of the functions of elimination. Begins at 2 until about age 4. -
Period: to
Childhood starts at age 2 until age 12. Childhood is when many cognitive changes appear. Animism and egocentrism gradually fade, and the child begins to accomadate information into schemas. The child physically develops as well, but not as much as in the later years. Social develoment is also a large part of childhood as the child meets other children in a social environment. -
Erikson: Initiative vs. guilt
The child looks for the good and the bad in themselves. Begins at age 4 until age 6. -
Freud: Phallic Stage
The child starts to learn the difference between boys and girls. Begins at age 4 until age 7. -
First Day of School
A child's first day of school is one of the first times they are exposed to different children and interaction. This is the major beginning to social development and acceptance seeking by peers. The thought of school is dreaded by children because they fail to see the social aspect of it. Socialization also begins with this exposure. -
Kohlberg: "Good boy/nice girl"
The child begins trying to live up to society's expectations. They focus on how their decisions influence their relationships as well. Begins at age 6. -
Piaget: Concrete Operational Stage
The child can add and subtract during this stage. Conservation is also understood, and the child can think logically about concrete objects. Begins at age 7 and ends at age 12. -
Erikson: Industy vs. inferiority
The child looks for the success in their lives and question their self-worth. Begins at age 7 until adolescence. -
Freud: Latency Stage
The child focuses on the develoment on their social skills and ego. Begins at age 7 until adolescence. -
Freud: Genital Stage
The adolescent focuses on building relationships with the opposite sex. Begins at adolescence through adulthood. -
Erikson: Identity vs. role confusion
The adolescent searches for an identity. They look for acceptance and meaning to their life. Begins at age 12 until age 18. -
Kohlberg: Law and Order
The adolescent focuses on maintaining social order and submits to authority. Begins at age 12. -
Period: to
Adolescence starts around 12 until 18. Adolescence is the time in a person's life where the most changes occur, and these changes are generally rapid. Hormones lead to rapid body changes, and the frontal lobe begins to develop fully. Social behavior becomes the most important aspect of an adolescent's life as they seek acceptance and an identity. -
First Relationship
This is the first time an adolescent builds a strong relationship with the opposite sex. The relationship can lead to new experiences like kissing, holding hands, etc. The adolescents look at the way society views a relationship, and they express feelings through those views. It tests their observation of the environments and how they care for another person. -
Onset of Puberty
The onset of puberty is one of the greatest periods of change in a person's life. Puberty brings new thoughts, emotions, and look to the teen going through puberty. Late or early maturation can cause a teen to feel insecure and depressed due to societies standards. Puberty usually occurs between 10 and 14 in girls and in guys from 12 to 16. -
Erikson: Intimacy vs. isolation
The adult seeks compassion and someone to spend their life with. Begins at 18 until age 40. -
Kohlberg: Social Contract
The adult understands that rules are important, but self-interest may triumph over law. Personal values are important and everyone has their own opinion. Begins at age 18. -
Period: to
Early Adulthood
Early adulthood goes from approximately 18 to 40. Physical decay begins after the mid 20's, and most cognitive changes develop futher. The establishment of a long-lasting relationship and career is important as the adult continues to age. Experiences throughout life are the main source of knowledge and wisdom during adulthood. -
Moving Out
Moving out of your parent's house is a big step in acheiving independence. You have to rely on yourself and your spouse to make financial decisions and survive on your own. It becomes your responsibility to do everything you've watched your parents do for years. -
Marriage is the decision to spend the rest of your life (in some cases) with a loved one. This creates the ultimate feeling of intimacy and is a major goal in most people's lives. This marks the full responsibility to make someone else happy and take care of them. -
Having a Kid
Having a child starts a new part of a couples life. It places more responsibility on them as they must care for the child and do everything necessary for the baby's survival. Starting a family is another major goal for most people. Children cause further maturation and brings the parents closer to full adulthood. -
Age Thirty Crisis
The "age-thirty crisis" is a time when men begin to reevaluate what they've done in life so far. They question their career choice, their relationship, finances, etc. It is a time when priorities may change to lead the person on a different path through life. -
Erikson: Generality vs. stagnation
Adults find need to contribute to a greater cause and make their mark on the world. Begins at age 40 until age 65. -
Period: to
Middle Adulthood
Middle adulthood lasts from 40 to about 45. This period is mainly a transition from early adulthood to late adulthood. Many males experience a "mid-life crisis", and many females experience depression in this transition. Hair begins to grey and thin, skin dries and wrinkles, and shrinking begins. -
Midlife Crisis
A midlife crisis occurs usually between the ages of 40 and 45. A male in this transition of middle adulthood will often begin questioning what they've done with their life so far and express unhappy feelings towards such. Some people make major changes in their life like divorcing their spouse, but many transition smoothly. A crisis can cause the person to seemingly change overnight and become irrational and feel like they need to do something outrageous. -
Empty Nest Syndrome
Empty Nest Syndrome occurs in women when their last child leaves home. The feeling of letting the last child go creates sadness and depression. It sparks ideas that they are not needed anymore, and the person may experience a feeling of lonliness. They also worry about their child's wellbeing and safety. -
Menopause occurs in women around the ages of 40 to 50. It marks the end of fertility which means they can't have children, and some women feel useless and lost. Many women are relieved by this change and no longer have to worry about menstruation. The physical symptoms, like heat flashes, can cause irritaion and uncomfortability. -
Period: to
Late Adulthood
Late adulthood spans from around 45 to 65. Heath risks become more prevalent as the body continues to age. Eyesight begins to fade as well. Most people retire in this stage and feel lost without work. -
Erikson: Ego integrity vs. despair
The elder thinks back on their life and questions if they've done all they could have or wanted to. Being at age 65 until death. -
Kohlberg: Universal Etics Principle
The elder places a sense of internal justice and morality above that of the law or rules that may stand against it. Begins at age 65. -
Onset of Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's affects a large number of people over 65 due to the decay and aging of the brain. Neurons that produce acetylcholine begin to degenerate. It first affects memory and moves on to launguage and reasoning skills. It has the chance to worsen to the point of inhibiting the victim from the simplest of cognitive tasks like addition. -
Period: to
Old Age
Old age occurs from around 65 until death. You are considered old when your independence begins to decline. Old age is marked as a time of loss because of death, financial instability, etc. The body decays to a point where control of certain functions may be lost, and the brain loses about 5% of its mass. -
Stages of Death: Denial
The elder has difficulty coming to terms with their imminent death and thinks the diagnosis is wrong or it isn't happening. -
Stages of Death: Anger
The elder becomes angry at family, doctors, anything or anyone they think could be the reason for their coming death. -
Stages of Death: Bargaining
The elder tries to strike a deal with a higher power for more time in exchange for good behavior or change. -
Stages of Death: Depression
The elder begins to focus on everything they are losing and leaving behind with death and becomes depressed because of these losses. -
Stages of Death: Acceptance
The elder comes to terms with what is to come and uses the time they have left to live life to the fullest.