16632836 abstract word cloud for developmental psychology with related tags and terms

Developmental Psychology - Alaboud

  • Period: to

    Prenatal Develpment

    Before Birth
  • Zygote

  • Embryo

  • Fetus

  • I was born

    I was born
    May first day.
  • Period: to

    Trust vs. Mistruct Conflict

    This is the amount of time it took me to resolve this conflict.
    Children depend on their caregivers and develop a sense of trust towards them if they are provided with care and affection by the caregivers.
  • Period: to

    Oral Stage Duration

    Where infants seek pleasure by interacting with their mouths.
  • I developed Cognitive Development

    I developed Cognitive Development
    I developed the folowing:
    Cognition: Thinking, knowing and remembering.
    Schema: Organizing and interpreting information.
    Assimilation: Interpreting new experiences according to my schemas.
    Accomodation: Being able to incorporate new information.
  • End of Oral Stage. (According to Sigmund Freud)

    End of Oral Stage. (According to Sigmund Freud)
    Stage duration: From birth to 1 year
    Stage description: My primary source of interaction occured through my mouth.
  • Period: to

    Anal Stage Duration

    Where chidren are being toilet trained.
  • End of Trust vs. Mistrust Conflict (According to Erik Erikson)

    End of Trust vs. Mistrust Conflict (According to Erik Erikson)
    Conflict duration: From birth to 18 months
    Conflict description: I developed a sense of trust when my parents took care of me at that time.
  • End of Sensorimotor Stage. (According to Jean Piaget)

    End of Sensorimotor Stage. (According to Jean Piaget)
    Stage duration: From birth to 2 years
    Stage description: Sensorimotor stage, which means experiencing the world through our senses and actions.
    In this Stage, I developed Object Permanence and Stranger Anxiety.
  • End of Anal Stage. (According to Sigmund Freud)

    Stage duration: 1 to 3 years
    Stage description: I was potty trained when I was nearing my third birthday, and I can control my bladder and bowel movements.
  • Period: to

    Autonomy Vs. Shame and doubt conflict

    This is time I took when resolving this conflict.
    Children develop a sense of personal control over their physiscal skills, and develop a sense of independence.
  • End of Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Conflict. (According to Erik Erikson)

    End of Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Conflict. (According to Erik Erikson)
    Conflict duration: 2 to 3 years
    Conflict description: I developed a sense of personal control over my physical skills, and a sense of indpendence. According to my parents, this was when I started to smile without anyone trying to make me do so.
  • Period: to

    Phallic Stage Duration

    When children start to realize their gender and start to recognize the gender differences.
  • End of Initiative vs. Guilt Conflict. (According to Erik Erikson)

    End of Initiative vs. Guilt Conflict. (According to Erik Erikson)
    Conflict duration: 3 to 5 years
    Conflict description: I asserted control over the environment around me, and developed a sense of purpose. My brother and parents supported me to do so, which lead to me developing a sense of purpose.
  • End of Phallic Stage. (According to Sigmund Freud)

    End of Phallic Stage. (According to Sigmund Freud)
    Stage duration: 3 to 6 years
    Stage description: I discover and realize the differences between the two genders. According to my dad, I loved him more than I loved my mother when I was younger.
  • Towards the End of Preoperational Stage. (According to Jean Piaget)

    Stage Duration: 2 to 6 years
    Stage description: I leared to label things with words and represent them with images, but I lacked logical reasoning.
    In this stage I developed language understanding, and I also became non egocentric.
  • Period: to

    Industry vs. Inferiority Conflict

    This is the time it took me to resolve this conflict.
    Where children cope with social and academic demands, to develop a sense of competence.
  • Period: to

    Latency Stage Duration

    All sexual anxiety is diverted to social interaction and work.
  • Secure Attachments. (According to Mary Ainsworth)

    Secure Attachments. (According to Mary Ainsworth)
    During my years at preschool, when my parents left, I used to socialize with people and explore the environment. I wasn't very eager to do so because I was not used to leaving my parents. When they would come, I used to go to them for comfort.
  • End of Industry vs. Inferiority Conflict. (According to Erik Erikson)

    Conflict duration: 6 to 11 years
    Conflict description: I dealt effectively with new social academic demands, that helped me develop a sense of competence. I had authoritative parents that helped me resolve this conflict. by doing so, I became able to finish or do something succesfully and efficiently.
  • End of Concrete Operational Stage. (According to Jean Piaget)

    End of Concrete Operational Stage. (According to Jean Piaget)
    Stage duration: 7 to 11 years
    Stage description: I became able to think logically about concrete events, grasp analogies , and perform arithmetical operations.
    In this stage, I developed an understanding of conservation, and I was able to understand mathematics deeper. This was easy for me since my parents were strict towards my studies.
  • Period: to

    Identity vs. Role Confusion

    This would be the time it took to resolve this conflict.
    Teens develop a sense of personal identity and fit into groups so that they may feel confident in their identities.
  • Beggining of the Formal Operational Stage. (According to Jean Piaget)

    Beggining of the Formal Operational Stage. (According to Jean Piaget)
    Stage duration: From 12 years through adulthood.
    Stage description: I am able to perform abstract reasoning.
    In this stage I am developing abstract logic and developing a greater potential for moral reasoning.
    At that time, I really cared for my studies and I was a good student. I owe it all to my parents.
  • End of Latency Stage. (According to Sigmund Freud)

    Stage duration: 6 years to Puberty
    Stage description: The libido interests are supressed, and the energy is directed to intellectual persuits and social interactions.
  • Period: to

    The Genital Stage

    Where the focus of sexual pleasure is the genitals.
  • Beggining of the Genital Stage. (According to Sigmund Freud)

    Beggining of the Genital Stage. (According to Sigmund Freud)
    Stage duration: from puberty to death.
    Stage desription: Where the focus of sexual pleasure is the genitals.
  • Getting My First Gun.

    Getting My First Gun.
    My father got me this as a present for being an exellent student and hardworking person. He knew that I was always interested in the military and I was inspired by how much they would sacrifice too much for their countries. By getting me this weapon, my desire for joining the army increased, especially after getting good at shooting.
  • Towards the End of Identity vs. Role Confusion Conflict. (According to Erik Erikson)

    Towards the End of Identity vs. Role Confusion Conflict. (According to Erik Erikson)
    Conflict duration:12 to 18 years
    Conflict description: I would have developed a sense of self and personal identitiy, which would help me stay true to myself in the future. I resolved this conflict by fitting into different groups and being accepted by many people.
  • Period: to

    Intimacy vs. Isolation

    This would be the time it took me to reselve this conflict.
    Here, people try to figure out how to balance ties between their relationships and work.
  • I Join the Army

    I Join the Army
    I was always interested in joining the army, and I was eager to support my country. This would be during the Intimacy vs. Isolation conflict, and after seeing how my girlfriend was interested in the military, I felt that I had to join.
  • After A Perfect Marriage

    After A Perfect Marriage
    I would have married a beautiful woman who will spend the rest of her life with me happily. During this time, I would be in the process of resolving the Intimacy vs. Isolation Conflict.
  • Towards the End of Intimacy vs. Isolation Conflict. (According to Erik Erikson)

    Towards the End of Intimacy vs. Isolation Conflict. (According to Erik Erikson)
    Conflict duration: 19 to 40 years
    Conflict description: I would have formed intimate and loving relations with other people so I may always have strong relationships. At this time I was also promoted to general.
  • Period: to

    Generativity vs. Stagnation Conflict

    This would be the time it takes me to resolve this conflict.
    People make sure they are creating the life they want for themselves and their families. This esures that their life is going the way they want it to go.
  • Towards the End of Generaivity vs. Stagnation Conflict. (According to Erik Erikson)

    Towards the End of Generaivity vs. Stagnation Conflict. (According to Erik Erikson)
    Conflict duration: 40 to 65 years
    Conflict description: I would have nurtured people or things that will outlast me by creating a positive change that benefits other people or maybe by having children of my own. By doing this, I would have feelings of usefulness and accomplishments. At this age I would have also retired from the army.
  • Period: to

    Integrity vs. Despair Conflict

    This should be the time it takes me to resolve the conflict.
    People look back at their life and accomplishments and decide if they are satisfied with it or not. If these people are satisfied, they will be free from the stress of society.
  • Toward the End of Ego Integrity vs. Despair. (According to Erik Erikson)

    Conflict duration: 65 years till death
    Conflict description: I would have looked back on my life and felt a sense of fulfillment. If I do this, which is what I really hope for, I would have been lead to feelings of wisdom and I'd die happy.
  • Death

    Hoping for a "happy ending" and a meaningful death. I also hope that I would live for as long as I want.