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Sam's Life Path

  • Period: to


  • I'm Born!

    I'm Born!
    I was born
  • Moved to CO!

    Moved to CO!
    My parents made the decision to leave Missouri and move to Colorado.
  • My Little Brother was Born

    My Little Brother was Born
    I wasn't really old enough to remember, but this was a super important event because my best friend was born.
  • First Day of Public School (5th Grade)

    First Day of Public School (5th Grade)
    I transitioned from being a homeschooler to going to public school.
  • Period: to


  • My sister Graduates and moves out

    My sister Graduates and moves out
    My sister graduated High school and moved out of the house.
  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    I furthered my education and transitioned to my first day of High school at CCHS
  • Got my drivers License

    Got my drivers License
    A milestone marking event, showing how I'm becoming more mature and getting older.
  • Went on Mission Trip

    Went on Mission Trip
    I went on a mission trip to Cary Mississippi with a youth organization called TFC.
  • Period: to


  • Go to School

    Go to School
    Either go to college to become a chiropractor, or go to trade school to become electrician.
  • Get into my Career

    Get into my Career
    I finally got through my schooling and made the next step into my career.
  • Marriage

    I've been dating a girl for a couple of years and decided I want to spend the rest of my life with her.
  • Get first House

    Get first House
    I have been married for two years and I am finally comfortable enough to make a down payment on my first house.
  • Have a Kid

    Have a Kid
    I have been settled down for about a year, and am ready to take the next step in my life and have a kid.
  • Retirement

    I worked in my career for 40 years and retired at the ripe age of 64.