
development on the telephone

  • The telephone was created.

    The telephone was created.
    Alexander Graham Bell conducted a successful experiment with the telephone. he came to America as a teacher of the deaf, and he wanted a way to transmit speech electronically.
  • The first telephone number.

    The first telephone number.
    A telephone number serves as an address for switching telephone calls using a system of destination code routing.
  • The first rotary dial handset telephone was created.

    The first rotary dial handset telephone was created.
    This device led to more independence when calling someone on the phone and allowed homeowners to install telephones in their living space.
  • The first cordless phone was created.

    The first cordless phone was created.
    This simple device connected a basic two-way radio system to a telephone, allowing someone to move around while talking to someone on the phone through the radio.
  • The first mobile phone was created.

    The first mobile phone was created.
    Martin cooper wanted people to have freedom to talk on the phone away from their cars.
  • The first text message was created.

    The first text message was created.
    The first SMS gateways for cellphones were network notifications, usually to inform of voice mail messages and billing alerts.
  • The first Bluetooth was created.

    The first Bluetooth was created.
    They used to enable short-range wireless communication between electronic devices.
  • The first iPhone created.

    The first iPhone created.
    The iPhone was designed to be a super slick phone in Steve Jobs' mind.