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Development of the Phonograph

  • First phonograph

    First phonograph
    Made by Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville was a device that took recordings of sound waves on a glass plate, but it was not able to play back the sounds
  • Thomas Edisons phonograph

    Thomas Edisons phonograph
    this was the first phonograph that could record and play back sound
  • demonstrating the phonograph

    Thomas Edison demonstrated the phonograph to the National Academy of Science
  • the phonograph redesign

    the phonograph redesign
    an inventor named Emile Berliner reengineered the phonograph and used a flat disc instead of a cylinder and called it a gramophone
  • making it affordable

    this is when the spring motor phonograph was offered at affordable prices, this allowed it to become a household object.
  • mass production

    mass production of wax cylinders allows artists to record more songs
  • Electrically amplified phonographs

    Electrically amplified phonographs are developed, this improves the clarity and accuracy of sound
  • vinyl long-playing record

    vinyl long-playing record
    the company RCA Victor launched the first vinyl long-playing record, the playback speed for this record was 33⅓ rpm instead of 78 rpm. So it could store around 20 minutes per side instead of 3 - 5 minutes