Galileo Discovers Telescope
Galileo discovers a telescope(he does not invent the telescope) in 1609 in Italy. He is the first to use it systematically to observe celestial objects. -
New Telescope Discovered by Newton
Sir Isaac Newton creates a telescope creates a trype of reflecting telescope completed in 1668. It uses a concave primary mirror and a flat diagonal secondary mirror. -
150-foot Telescope
Johannes Hevelius built a 150-foot telescope, which hung from ropes and had to be operated by a group of workmen. -
Discovery of Uranus
William Hirshel discovered Uranus using his telescope. The image was a little fuzzy but he noticed a disk shifting across the background of stars, he disovered that it was a planet, -
Hershel's Construction of New Telescope
William Herschel made a 40-foot reflecting telescope. It was the biggest telescope in the world for 50 years. -
Irish Nobleman's new Telescope
William Parsons, the 3rd Earl of Rosse built a 72 inch (in diameter) by Birr Castle in Ireland, It discovered the first spiral nebulae. -
Largest refracting Telescope
A 40-inch telescope was constructed in Yerkes Observatory. It is still the largest refracting telescope ever built. -
Hubble Space Telescope
Hubble Space telescope (named after Edwin Hubble) lauched into its low earth orbit on April 25, 1990. It was created by Americans. -
Large Binocular Telescope
Large Binocular Telescope saw first light. It is located in Arizona. It is one of the world's most advanced optical telescopes. -
The Gran Telescopio Canarias
The Gran Telescopio Canarias was built in the Canary Islands of Spain. It is the largest telescope in the world.