Development of seismology

  • Jhon withwrop

    Jhon withwrop
    He is known as the creator seismology. Also was the first person to study an earthquake.
  • Milne suggested

    Milne suggested
    Milne had suggested that a machine could be used to measure the seismic activity
  • The siesmometer first used

    The siesmometer first used
    It was first used in 1841 to record the vibrations of the ground caused by the earthquakes.
  • First recording seismograph

    First recording seismograph
    F.cecchi builds the first recording seismograph in italy
  • Mallet

    Engineer and scientist Mallet went to Naples, Italy to study the after effects of a large earthquake. His work created some of the earliest theories about seismology which included the idea that earthquakes move outward from a central focal point.
  • The siesmograph became international

    The siesmograph became international
    Horizontal pendulums, used as a seismograph, recorded an earthquake in Japan from Germany.
  • The richter scale

    The richter scale
    Charles created the richter scale to determine the magnitude of earthquakes using numerical values