Period: 1214 to 1292
Roger Bacon's
Roger Bacon's work helped lay the groundwork for modern sciencie -
Period: 1493 to 1541
Paracelsus argued that disesase have natural causes -
Vesalius published fabrica -
Nicolaus copernicus
Nicolaus copernicus wrote that the earth is a planet, not the center of the universe -
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei stated the law 9f the pendulum; also studied gravity and prepared the way for Newton's laws of motion -
William Gilbert
William Gilbert published his book about magnetism, the first great English sciencie book -
Johannes Kepler
Formulated the laws of planetary motion -
Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon formulated the scientific method -
Slide rude
William Harvey
William Harvey described blood circulation -
Evangelist Torricelli invented the barometer -
Period: to
Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle laid the foundation for modern chemestry ; stated his law of gases -
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton invented a form of calculus -
Robert Hooke
Robert Hooke was the first to see a cell -
Bacteria discovered
Edmond Halley
Edmond Halley used the telescope to chart stars -
Isaac Newton
Isaac newton published his laws of motion and universal gravition -
Gabriel Fahrenheit
Gabriel Fahrenheit inveted the mercury thermometer -
Carolus linnaeus
Carolus linnaeus established the modern classification system -
Anders Celsius
Anders celsius invented the centigrade temperature scale -
Henry cavendish
Henry cavendish discovered hydrogen -
Pierre Simon
Pierre Simon de laplace's work in celestial mechanics helped reveal the stability of the solar system -
Joseph priestley
Joseph priestley discovered oxygen -
Antoine lavoiser
Antoine lavoiser founded modern chemestry -
Torsion balance
Henry cavendish
Henry cavendish showed that water consist of hydrogen and oxygen -
Charles de coulomb
Charles de coulomb stated the law of electrical attracion and repulsion -
Edward jenner
Edward jenner discovered vaccination for the prevention of disease -
John dalton
John dalton proposed the atomic theory of matter -
Hans C.oersted
Hans C. Oersted discovered electromagnetism -
Thomas seebeck
Thomas seebeck discovered thermoelectricity -
Friedish wöhler
Friedish wöhler was first to synthesize an organic compound -
Micheal Faraday and joseph Henry
Micheal Faraday and joseph henry discovered electromagnetic induction -
Jakob Berzelious
Jakob Berzelious proposed the present chemical symbols -
Friedish Bessel
Friedish Bessel made the first authenticated measurement of distance to a star -
Christian Doppler
Christian Doppler stated the Doppler effect -
Hermann Helmoltz
Hermann Helmotz helped establish the first law of thermodynamics -
Bunsen burner
Rudolph clausius
Rudolph clausius stated the second law of thermodynamics -
Hypodermic syringe
Louis pasteur
Louis pasteur first pasteurized milk to kill germs -
Gregor Mendel
Gregor Mendel stated his laws of heredity -
Dmitri mendeleev
Dmitri mendeleev developed the predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves -
James C. Maxwell
James C. Maxwell predicted the existence of eltromagnetic waves -
Heinrich hertz
Heinrich hertz showed the existence of electromagnetic waves -
Wilhelm Roentgen
Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-rays -
Max planck
Max plank stated the quantum theory of ligth -
Henri Becquerel
Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity -
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein stated the special theory of realitivity -
J.J Thomson
J.J Thomson discovered electrons -
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford founded nuckear sciencie -
Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr applied the quantum theory to atomic structure -
Geiger counter
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein stated the general theory of relativity -
Electron microscope
Particle accelerator
Enrico fermi
Enrico fermi produced the first succesful nuclear chain reaction -
Digital computer
The space
The scpace age began -
Man first flew in space
Man first landed on the moon
Firts successful laboratory in space launched
First reusable spacecraft launched
First use of gene therapy to reat disease
Hubble space telescope launched
Carbon nanotubes discovered
3D pringting
Bacterial genomes first sequenced
Quantum computer
Beginning of medical stem cell research
Human geneme sequencing completed
Gravitionalwaves detected