Development of democracy: Greece's 4 forms of government

  • 2000 BCE

    Monarchy image

    Monarchy image
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 400 BCE

    The development of democracy

  • Period: 2000 BCE to 800 BCE


    A. In monarchy, the king had the most power. He would govern the whole of Greece, along with his band of aristocrats.
    B. The aristocrats were very important in war, which helped the king rule and make decisions.
    C. The aristocrats wanted an election instead of getting the crown by inheritance, so the king would have a limited time to rule.
    D. A country that has monarchy is Cambodia. The ruler's name is Norodom Sihamoni, and he is king of Cambodia.
  • 800 BCE

    Oligarchy image

    Oligarchy image
  • Period: 800 BCE to 650 BCE


    A. A few people would rule all of Greece, and the 3-4 people were usually aristocrats or very wealthy merchants.
    B. They spent their days making unfair laws to the poor, but the laws made the aristocrats richer.
    C. The unhappy people of Greece used soldiers to drive the oligarchs away.
    D. North Korea uses oligarchy. Kim Jong-il is the ruler/ king there.
  • 600 BCE


    A. The person who would make the political choices were usually called dictators.
    B. The dictator would live with unlimited amounts of power. A tyrant's son doesn't usually inherit power.
    C. The tyrants would be overthrown by their citizens as their rule became unbearable.
    D. North Korea still uses tyranny and its ruler is Kim Jong Un.
  • 500 BCE


    A. All citizens get a share in power along with their own government.
    B. The cities had a lawmaking group. Any man could speak in the assembly and both.
    C. Not all Greeks liked democracy. People told others to vote unwisely and arguments began. This caused cities to go back to old government styles.
    D. A country that uses democracy is in the USA and is under the presidency of Donald trump.