First Fleet Landed
The first fleet landed. Australia was separated into 2 boundaries. New South Wales on the west and New Holland -
Period: to
Development of Australian Colonies
Australian colonies over time -
Part of the area of New South Wales was being used by the settlers of Van Diemen's Land to transport flocks of sheep. This area became the colony of Victoria. -
Van Diemen's Land
Van Diemen's Land(now know as Tasmania) was were convicts how had broken laws were sent. NSW was expanded to include the new settlement of Melville Island. -
Western Australia
The British government officially claimed all of New Holland. It was named Western Australia. -
South Australia
South Australia was established as a free colony. It was taken from the southern part of New South Wales. -
North Australia
The new settlement of North Australia was taken from the to part of New South Wales. This settlement failed after six months and the area became New South Wales once again. -
Queensland And Tasmania
Queensland started as a Convict settlement. It soon became a colony. Van Diemen's Land became Tasmania. -
South Australia Expands
South Australia western border expanded and took over New South Wales 'panhandle'. -
South Australia Expands Again
South Australia northern border took over the area of NSW that was north of South Australia.