Bait tutorial
prior to this, i had no previous knowledge of how to use final cut pro. i learned pretty much the basics such as putting the clips in order, how to cut clips and how to import. -
for this task i used a camera for the first time, i did not have much knowledge on particular techniques such as the positioning of it and certain shot types. i also used final cut pro to edit it and i seemed to get better at doing so using what i previously learned. -
For this task, i used a real media products 'Think Like A Man'. I had to do some internet research to get an idea of how to film it. i watched clips from youtube repeatedly in order to copy it -
breakfast club
this task was directly relavent to my actual coursework task of making a teen film opening. To plan for this, i used a digital story board so i could get step by step shots to make in order to look structured. -
This was the final product we has to produce for the AS year. we had to gather everything we learned and create a teen film opening. Final cur pro in particular, was important for me as i did a lot of the editing. i applied speed manipulation in a few shots to give the impression that the film is quite fast in pace. -
AS Blog
This was the platform for all my planning and research. i used a whole range of websites that the internet had to offer. i used prezi to represent my ideas and my plan for the as teen film opening -
lip sync
we used a video camera, trying to follow conventions such as close ups, tracking shots etc. -
for this, i learned how to use photoshop, croppng images and placing text on them. -
music video
i spent a lot of time on final cut pro to edit my music video. by this point, my skills had developed. for example my use of speed manipulation was used more appropriately. -
using what i learned in the practice task and what i learned from youtube, i used a range of techniques in order to make my ancillary work look realisitc by following the conventions. for example, i followed the conventions of using texts and large image of artist. -
A2 Blog
My a2 blog was a lot more detailed than the as blog. i finished with double the amount i has last year. this i due to knowing what to do and developing my understanding of convention.