
  • Birth

    The day I was born
  • Graduated Kindergarten

    The day I graduated kindergarten
  • Broke My collarbone

    I was sitting on the front of bike handle bars and I fell off of it
  • Finished 3rd in a national football tournament

    In this year I started to love football more than anything. My team won the championship and we had a chance to compete in Florida where we ended up finishing third in the country.
  • Fractured my hairline (ankle bone)

    I was playing a game called manhunt when I decided to run in the park after it had just got done raining. I slipped in the wet grass and twisted my ankle and my mom had to come pick me up and she was very upset.
  • Graduated college

  • Bought My first house

  • Got married

  • Most important thing I want my future self to know

    Most important thing I want my future self to know is if you work as hard as you possibly can to achieve your goals then yo will reach those goals