He told that every matter is made up of tiny partis also called atons. He told some atoms are oily ,pointy and some of them have hooks -
He said we could divide matter as muche time we want there is no limit He didn't believen the atomic theory and tHoughton that every thinges was madestablished up of☺ fire ☺,water ☺Earth and ☺ air -
John Dalton
Compounds are formed when atoms of different elements combine in fixed proportions Chemical reactions involves a rearrangement of atoms thereally is no change on atom themselves -
Robert Brown
He saw some pollen grains that were constantly moving in water randomly.This was known as Browin an motion He gave the consept how atom looked like -
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein theorised that Brownine motion was caused by the water molecules consister knocking the grains . He developed a hypothical mathematical logic to describe it.