The day I was born
Twin Towers
Terrorists hijack two passenger planes crashing them into New York's World Trade Towers causing the collapse of both & death of 2,752 people -
Earthquake in western Iran
kills atleast 260 -
Train bombing in Madrid
atleast 170 die -
Gymnastics Competition
The fifty star flag of the United States of America longest flying flag in history
- after flying over forty-seven years.
FairyTale Day at school
with aunt patty -
President Obama
Rollins Camping Trip
with cousin CC -
June 1, 2009 - The H1N1 virus, named the Swine Flu, is deemed a global pandemic by the World Health Organization.
This is the first such designation since the Hong Kong flu in 1967-1968. -
Earthquake in Haiti
Chicago Trip
My brothers graduation from bootcamp for the Navy -
Panama City Florida Trip
went to see my brother and sister Sam -
Brother and Sam get married
Tsunami in Japan
Wesminster Woods Camping trip
Ava being born
Washinton Trip