Destini's War of 1812

  • Impressment

    British begin to impress American sailors & force them to work on British ships.
  • Chesapeake

    The American ship Chesapeake is fired upon by the British ship Leopard.
  • Thomas Jefferson Imposes Embargo

    Thomas Jefferson Imposes Embargo
    Thomas Jefferson imposes an embargo on Great Britain but it results in economic disaster for American merchants and is discontinued in 1809.
  • War Congress Convenes

    War Congress Convenes
    The Battle of Tippencanoe (in present-day Indidiana) considered the first battle of War of 1812 takes placee between Tecumseh's brother, the profit, & William Henry Harrison's army.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    America declares war on Great Britain.
  • General William Hull enters Canada.

    General William Hull enters Canada.
    This is the first of three failed attempts made by the U.S. to invade Canada. The British force the surrender of Fort Michilimackinac (in present-day Michigan).
  • General Hull Surrenders

    General Hull Surrenders
    General William Hull surrenders to General Isaac Brock at Detroit.
  • US Troops Capture & Burn City

    US Troops Capture & Burn City
    U.S. troops capture and burn the city of York (present-day Toronto).
  • Battle of the Thames

    Battle of the Thames
    The warrior Tecumseh is killed at the Battle of the Thames (Canada).
  • The Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent
    Americans and British diplomats agree to the terms of a treaty and return to the status quo from before the war.