Destini Decker, Alexis McCord, and Sahavnna Clark. The Book Thief

  • max vandenburg is born

    max is a jew who grew up in stuttgart. when he was younger he grew to love nothing more then a good fistfight.
  • Hitler Rises to Power

    When Hitler rises to Power the paint buissness fell in awry.
  • Hitler's Game

    Liesel's friend Rudy Steiner charcoaled himself to look like his idol Jesse Owens and he ran the 4x100m relay.
  • Jews clear

    The Jews were cleared out completely after Kristallnacht and Gestapo visited.
  • The Third Carriage

    Liesel's 6 year old brtother Werner died on the train in the third carriage.
  • Grave Digger's Handbook & The Huberman's

    Leisel found and stole the Grave Digger's Handbook. Liesel had to leave her mother and meet her foster parents. Hans and Rosa Huberman.
  • Bed Wetter and Night classes

    Liesel wet in her bed and when thwy stripped the bed to wash her sheets, Hans Huberman (Papa) found the Grave Digger's Handbook and started night claases teaching Liesel how to read.
  • hans huberman recives work

    7 a.m. sharp hans takes paint to some place thinking he is going to be painting but isted he gets confrounted by a man that is a jew .
  • World War 2

    World War 2 begins.
  • Heavyweight Champion

    Liesel became thr Heavyweight Champion of the schoolyard.
  • Finishing the book.

    Liesel finished "The Grave Digger's Handbook."
  • Christmas Books

    Liesel recieved two books for Christmas.
  • No Reply

    Liesel wrote her mother a letter and started getting upset because her mother did not reply.
  • Second Book Stolen

    Liesel stole the Second Book.
  • the arivll of max

    max arrives to the kitchen of 33 himmel street.
  • germany and russa

    two days after germany invaded russia and three before Britain and the Soviets joined forces.

    max fights the Fuhrer, the fight for their lives each rebounding off of the stairway.
  • portrait of rudy steiner

    strings of mud on his face. his lemon, lamp-lit hair is disheveled and he wears a sad smile on his face.
  • rudys greed

    he stole the biggest potato from Mamer's, the local grocer. he fought with Franz Deuscher on Munich street. But most importantly he had been skipping the Hitler Youth meetings.
  • Max's Health goes down

    Max's health starts to go downhill. this worried liesel and made her sad.
  • the book caled the whistler

    floating gdown the river in the time leading up to christmas
  • Max's health worstens

    Max's health continues to go downhill. He ends up passing out . liesel became more terrified that he would die. Papa, Mama, and Liesel vistited ax a total of seven times that night.
  • Society gets Worse

    More than a thousand bomber planes flew toward Koln. Five hundred people were killed. This was just one of the ways society got worse.
  • Checking Basements.

    The Nazi Party was checking people's basements. Mama,Papa,and Liesel had to hide Max somewhere. They came close togetting caught.
  • Himmel Street under attack.

    Himmel Street wa sunder attack. Fog and ash covered the streets. Everyone was just stressed out even more.
  • Max Left.

    Max left, after he laft Liesel became very sad. On the bringht side Mama, Papa, and liesel didn't have to worry about getting caught anymore.
  • Papa drafted into the German Army.

    Hans Huberman (Papa) was to be drafted into the German Army. Lieseldidn't want Papa to leave. He was the one who gaveher reading lessons. She wouldn't get lessons now that Papa was gone.
  • Hans' first actual raid

    HAns experienced his first actual raid. He got splinters in his hands and ash and dust in his teeth. He got pretty banged up.
  • Two Fathers Absent.

    Sice there were two fathers absent, the Stheiners invited Rose, Trudy, and Liesel Huberman over for Christmas.
  • Letter Papa is coming home

    Mama and Liesel got a letter in the mail that Papa was coming home. This made them both very happy.
  • Family Friend Buried.

    Michael Holtzapfel was buried. Mama, Papa, andd LIesel were sad because he was their friend.
  • Max Returns

    MAx Returned, This made Liesel very happy, because she was relieved he was alive.
  • Rudy Dies.

    Rudy Steiner Dies. This affects Liesel because he was her bestfriend.
  • Papa and Mama die.

    Mama and Papa were found lying in the gravel bedsheet of Himmel Street. Liesel was devastated because her parents were dead.
  • Hitler dies, Liesel helps, Max comes looking.

    Hitler had died, Liesel started helping Rudy STeiner's dad. MAx had come looking for her
  • Liesel.... Dead...

    Lisel Died.