
  • Alliance system building

    Alliance system building
    There were 2 alliances in WW1, one was called the the Central Powes, which consisted of Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1879 both countries vowed to protect one another. The Central Powes turned into the Triple Alliance when Italy joined in 1882. Other allies were The French and Russia, they agreed that if either of them were attacked they would help one another.
  • Alliance system building (2)

    France and Britain came to the same agreement they called it the Triple Entente in 1907. Both alliances had different opinions about the Triple Entente, Germany saw it as a way to surround and threaten, but The British said that it was to prevent Germany from taking over all of Europe.
  • Growing Militarization

    Growing Militarization
    Many European countries started to build up their army, navy, and military before World War One began. The main cause of this was Nationalism. It showed people that with a strong military their nation could easily reach their wants and goals. In 1898 germany had the strongest army in the world and also they had a navy that was big enough to take on Britain. Britain challenged Germany by making a Dreadnought (modern battleship) in 1906 which had a lot of firepower.
  • Growing Militarization (2)

    Germany strived to make one just like it. With technology advancements machines guns were made and could fire more accurately. they also were made to fire rapidly. this enabled wars to last longer, people to to fight longer, and countries to have bigger losses.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Trenches were common in the Western Front, which was from france to the North Sea. During the war there was a stalemate, this lasted for most of the war. Most people in the war died of disease and in battle, but many also died in the trenches. Almost 20,000 soldiers alone died in the trenches. The trenches were very unsanitary. there were rotting bodies of dead soldiers, lice and rats were infesting the holes, and body odor overpowered any other smell near the trenches.
  • Trench Warfare (3)

    The trenches were known as “Hell on Earth” because anyone would die at anytime.
  • Trench Warfare (2)

    Trench Fever was a common disease that plagued the trenches because of lice, it took up to 12 weeks to get over the fever. Shell shock was also something that affected soldiers. Around 2% of active soldiers suffered from shell shock. It caused headaches, tiredness, being giddy, and not being able to concentrate. These men would have mental breakdowns and doctors said it was from the shells exploding causing a vacuum-like air force that would affect the brain’s ability to function.
  • Assassination

    he was assassinated on june 28th,1914 in Sarajevo. his wife and himself had earlier survived a different attack. he was assassinated in Bosnia. they were both shot when their taxi drvier has taken a wrong turn. shortly after most of europe was at war. later, america joined in the fight around 1917. this made the whole world at world.
  • U.S. entry into the war.

    U.S. entry into the war.
    the main reason the united states entered the war was because of the attack of the Lusitania. on this ship there was 159 americans with the 1959 total people. at cles to two in the afternoon a U-boat launched a torpedo which struck the Lusitania. they were able to do this because the boat had slowed down due to fog. soon, after another explosion shifted the ship.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    this revolution occurred in 1917 with Czar Nicholas II. He forced many millions of innocent peasants in WW1. soon these soldier were becoming unhappy with the inability to sustain life. later, Russia was ruined fresh from being in a war.
  • U-Boats and Unrestricted Warfare

    U-Boats and Unrestricted Warfare
    In 1917, Germany announced the use of unrestricted warfare. this had a major impact on World War One. Unrestricted warfare was also one of the reasons why America joined the war. Germany thought that they were going to create a bad response by saying that they would be using unrestricted submarine warfare. They were right. Germany only made this risk move because they were not doing well in the war. as battles went on Germany found out that their navy was not near as strong as Britain’s.
  • U boats 2

    If Germany wanted to attack Britain they would have to do it by submarine. eventually Germany stated that they would launch would launch war on anyone who trade with Britain. Also, in 1917 Germany was better equipped to take on Britain with 46 submarines.
  • The Treaty of Versailles (1)

    The Treaty of Versailles (1)
    The treaty of versailles ended the first world war. It was signed on June 28th, 1919. It was a peace agreement but Germany d Austria-Hungary were not not allowed to be included. it really did not benefit Germany in any way, it punished them instead. They gave their opinion on the treaty but they were paid no mind. The "Big Three" were the people who made up the treaty. The treaty has also be labeled the reason that the second world war started. Many things changed because of this treaty.
  • The Treaty of Versailles (2)

    Germany lost some of its land and people. A new map of Europe was drawn and German felt unfairly treated.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    It was a committee that was started by Woodrow Wilson. It was formed after the Paris Peace conference. It Had 42 founding members. It's main purpose was to maintain world peace and stop wars from surfacing. All of this was stated in its Covenant. The League had many successes and failures which occurred in the 1920’s. Since then the 42 members either dissolved out or withdrew from the league. It has also meed called the main reason World War One ended.
  • Fascism 2

    Once Hitler came to complete power he had stopped being a Christian, but didn’t want to abolish christianity completely. In school Hitler relied how much power schools had so he forced teachers to become fascists. Hirohito became emperor in 1926. his cabin is responsible for the attack on pearl harbor and america’s entrance into the war. he was not a true fascist and he had an alliance with Germany and Italy.Compared to other fascist dictators Hirohito was more of a leader figure.
  • Fascism 3

    Finally, Mussolini was known as the Doctrine of fascism and he had trouble trying to “codify’ the word fascism.
  • Fasicm

    The word fascism refers to a political movement that exalts a nation, which is usually held by a dictatorial leader. There were many leaders that were fascist such as Hitler, Hirohito, and . Hitler turned germany into a fascist state, like Mussolini in Italy. He was influenced by Mussolini and copied many things he did. Germany control their economy rather than their government, which was capitalistic. Hitler was able to control many powers in Germany such as unemployment and location of workers
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    this was a worldwide affair. everyone’s economy was in a major crisis. there was a high level of unemployment all over the world. Black Tuesday was the start of the Depression. this is when the stock market crashed. it happened on October 29, 1929. the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell around 23%. the stock market lost a lot of money. unemployment began to rise and wages plummeted.
  • Stalin Vs. Lenin

    Stalin Vs. Lenin
    The Bolshevik revolution was one of the main reasons Stalin and Lenin came to power. they were both leaders to the communist party. They were also leaders of the working class. Both of them are known as men of action and word. they were making mass organizations, which were many sided. all of the troubles they faced eventually led them to socialism. they both showed very great transitioning their mass organisations into mass action. their work has taught many valuable lessons.
  • Spanish Civil War 1

    Spanish Civil War 1
    Well-planned military uprising began on July 17, 1936 By July 21 the rebels had achieved control in Spanish Morocco, the Canary Islands, and the Balearic Islands (except Minorca) and in the part of Spain north of the Guadarrama Mountains and the Ebro River, except for Asturias, Santander, and the Basque provinces along the north coast and the region of Catalonia in the northeast.
  • Spanish Civil War

    July 17, 1936 military revolt against the Republican government of Spain. Initial military coup failed to win control of the entire country, a bloody civil war started and fought on both sides. The Nationalists, as the rebels were called, and, received aid from Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The Republicans received aid from the Soviet Union and International Brigades, a great number of volunteers who came from other European countries and the United States.
  • Spanish Civil War 2

    Spanish Civil War 2
    The Republican forces had put down the uprising in other areas, except for some of the larger Andalusian cities, including Seville, Granada, and Córdoba. The Nationalists and Republicans proceeded to organize their respective territories and to repress opposition or suspected opposition. A minimum estimate is that more than 50,000 persons were executed, murdered, or assassinated on each side--an indication of the great strength of the passions that the Civil War had unleashed.
  • German Invasion

    German Invasion
    In March 1938, Hitler ordered Henlein to create a crisis in the country. May 1938, Hitler moved his armies to the Czech border to intimidate the Czechoslovakian President, Benes. In July 1938, Hitler promised Britain's Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, that he would not invade Czechoslovakia if he were given control of the Sudetenland.In September 1938, Hitler made an inflammatory speech against the Czechoslovakian President, Benes, at a Nazi rally at Nuremberg. On the 12 September, the Su
  • Battle of Britain 2

    Germany could not force Britain into an Armistice or defeat them, so they eventually gave up. At this point in the war was said to be a major turning point. Now Britain, with Operation Sea Lion, wanted to have an airborne attack on Hitler.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    This battle was be this battle was between Germany and Britain. The battle has also been called “Air battle for England”and for great Britain, Germany launched an air campaign against the UK in 1940. Germany wanted to conquer england and they were the first campaign to be fought with only air forces. the German side was called Luftwaffe. they attacked political areas by using “terror bombing tactics”. The British side was the RFA.
  • Period: to

    Evacuation of Dunkirk

    After the French and British had been beaten by Germany in the Battle of France. Over 350,000 men, including the entire British army and elements of the French and Belgian armies, were trapped in the port of Dunkirk in France. The British decided to try to evacuate them by sea. Initially they believed that they would be able to rescue, at most, 30,000 men. Over the course of ten incredible days, from May 26 to June 4, They accomplished a miracle.
  • Fall of France 2

    The two collaborated with each other with workers and trading. as the government changed in France people started targeting groups of people such as the Jews and Freemasons. then, they repealed their anti-Semitism law. Germany in their controlled parts of France made life hard for Jews. Eventually, Germany started deporting Jews and taking control of more of France. Germany then ruled over Vichy France as well.
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    The Vichy France stands for the land that is not under Germany’s and is instead administered by the French. When France was defeated in 1940 it was very unexpected. Since Germany was occupying Paris, France deciding to have a armistice. An armistice is an agreement between two sides that are war, to stop fighting. In June both sides signed the agreement and Germany now only controlled parts of France. Eventually the two countries ended up helping each other economically.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    December 11, Congress declared war on Germany.350 aircraft were destroyed or damaged.All 8 battleships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet were sunk or badly damaged including the U.S.S. Arizona.Quickly recovering from the initial shock of surprise, the Americans fought back,.Aircraft losses were 188 destroyed and 159 damaged, the majority hit before the had a chance to take off. Number of dead Americans was 2,403.There were 1,178 military and civilian wounded.
  • Bombing of Tokyo

    Bombing of Tokyo
    It is also known as firebombing and the US did this as part of the air raids of Japan. in April 1942, the United States launched a small raid on Tokyo. after B-29 raids Japan gave up Operation Meetinghouse was one of the most destructive air raid in history. the first raid on tokyo was called doolittle. this raid was happening because of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The raid was a victory for the United states, but it did not do much damages to Japan.
  • The Battle of Guadacanal

    The Battle of Guadacanal
    The Battle of Guadalcanal took place in 1942 when the US Marines landed on August 7th. The Japanese defeat at the Battle of Midway had forced planners in the Imperial Army to reconsider their plans of expansion and to concentrate their forces on consolidating the territory that they had captured. The victory at Midway was also a turning point for the Americans as after this battle, they could think in terms of re-capturing taken Pacific islands the first confrontation was to be at Guadalcanal.
  • The Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad
    19 August 1942 German had stabilized their front in a line running roughly from Leningrad in the north to Rostov in the south.The capture of Stalingrad was important to Hitler for two primary reasons. First,it was a major industrial city on the Volga River a vital transport route between the Caspian Sea and Northern Russia.Secondly,it capture would secure the left flank of the German armies as they advanced into the oil rich Caucasus region with a goal of cutting off fuel to Stalins war machine.
  • D day 2

    in the war, as it occurred long after Germany had been forced onto the defensive, and because it was much smaller in scale than battles such as Stalingrad, but D-Day certainly did speed up the process. The war in Europe ended 11 months later.
  • D day

    D day
    D-Day, the Allied invasion of Northern Europe on June 6th, 1944, opened up a second front that forced Hitler to send forces west, which took pressure off the Russians. The greatest seaborne invasion in history was aimed at 80 kilometres of mostly flat, sandy beach along the Normandy coast. British, Canadian, and American soldiers along with smaller numbers of French and Poles, succeeded in establishing a beachhead. (Less than half of the invading force was American.) It was not a "turning point"
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    This day is when Germany officially announced its surrender to the allies. it happened on May 8th, 1945. Before Germany resigned, Hitler committed suicide and his replacement had to surrender. The new president of Germany was Karl Dönitz. They signed their surrender on May 7th, 1945 in France. After the surrender of Germany, many celebrations happened.
  • VE DAy 2

    In New York, the United Kingdom in Buckingham Palace, and flags all over remained at half mast to remember those who did not make it through the war.
  • Bombing 2

    Bombing 2
    Two bomb were set of named “Little Boy” and “Fat Man”. Little boy was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. Fat Man was dropped over Nagasaki on August 9th. within the first few months of the drop of the bombs over 100,000 people had been killed in Hiroshima and at least 80,000 in Nagasaki. six days after the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan announced its surrender.
  • Bombing Of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    These bombing happened towards the end of World War 2. In, 1945 the allies decided to bomb both places in Japan. They were going to invade Japan. they launched a firebombing campaign. These bombing are the only nuclear weapons used in war to this day. this was slightly after the war ended between Germany and Britain. Before the actual bombing occurred the Uk, Us, and republic of China asked Japan if they were going to surrender. Japan ignored their offer. this is when the bombing began.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    On August 14th, 1945, it was announced that Japan had surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, effectively ending World War II. Since then, both August 14 and August 15 have been known as "Victory over Japan Day," or simply "V-J Day." The term has also been used for September 2, 1945, when Japan's formal surrender took place aboard the U.S.S. Missouri, anchored in Tokyo Bay. Japan's capitulation in the Pacific brought six years of hostilities to a final and highly anticipated close.
  • RUDY'S BURFDAY!!!!!!!

  • TIBBY'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!

    what ever
  • Period: to


    The navy put out a call for help from the civilian population and boats from all over Britain began appearing to help, fishing boats, yachts, pleasure boats, row boats, you name it. Under constant aerial attack the navy and civilians evacuated nearly 340,000 men straight from the beaches. They had to leave behind all of their heavy equipment but that could be replaced. When it was over, Britain still had a army with which to fight another day.