Deng Xiaoping

  • birth

    deng xiaoping was born on august 22 1904 in Guang'an, China, to his parents Deng Wenming and Deng Danshi.
  • joined communist party

    Deng joins the Chinese Communist Party. He becomes an instructor at the Military and Political Academy in Xi'an.
  • educational leader

    deng served as a leader of the chineese revoloutanary army in 1946-1949
  • Himalayas

    1953 austroger expedition climbs nanga paboat in Himalayas
  • Mount Everest

    Hoax Hillary and tensing become first to climb Mount Everest
  • Fredrick Sanger

    1955 Fredrick Sanger determines the molecular structure of insulin
  • Rotocycle

    1958 the rotocycle,an aerial motoscooter invented
  • most powerful leader of china

    Deng became the most powerful leader in the peoples republic of china in the 1970's.
  • reforms

    Deng Xiaoping calls for major reforms. These reforms are called the Four Modernizations.
  • chairman

    Deng becomes the chairman of central military commision.
  • stripped of all posts

    Deng is stripped from all posts except the chairman of the Central Military Commission.
  • retires

    Deng retires from all posts except the chairmanship of the Central Military Commission
  • paramount leader

    Deng remains the paramount leader for a number of years gradually retiring from active political participation.
  • death

    February 19, 1997, he died in Peking, China, at age ninety-two of respiratory complications associated with Parkinson's disease.
  • Product rises

    U.S. Gross natonial product rises to $397.5 billion
  • Antibiotics

    1956 four antibiotics are tested in the USA