Aristotle (350)
discoverd 4 elements air, earth & matter
them four pillars
and theory with no proof -
Claimed everything is made up of atoms. He helped ropose earliest views on the shapes and connectivity of atoms. He used experimentation to discover his observations. -
Dalton(1800 b,c)
Dalton therory was different in that it had the weight, chemical behavior, and certain mass.He proved his theory thorugh deductive reasoning and experimentation. "The last Daltons atom model" -
rutherford (1911)
They had protons, electrons and he developed the plaetary made of the atom which put all the proton on the nucleus .
they shocked all the particials out.
Put all the nucleus & the electrons oribted around the nucleus like planetd around the sun.
to test this with thin film gold atoms. -
electrons canonly have certain energies, different elements have differents energies.
The energy & frequency of light emitted or absorbed can be calculated by using the difference between the two orbited energies. The orbit nearest the nucleaus has an energy of E1,the next orbit E2 -
heisenberg and schrodinger
The electrons absorb & emit radiation of fixed wavelengths when jumping between the fixed orbited around a nucleus.
electrons don't even move, The electrons are actually moving around in little circles. "Standing waves" THE atoms look like "BlueBerries" -
Thomas (1897)
all matter that made up small particals.
Cathoe ray model
tower source
he got two medal rates ,postive charge & neg. charge
The ray tube bends up
he used a magnet that it bends the other direction.
"plum_pudding Atom"