Democritus (400BC)
He said that breaking down a tree to where it cant be broken down anymore. If you break a substance down to where it cant be broken down anymore. Atoms are indestructable. First atmoic model. -
Aristole (320)
he did not believe in it he taught bout elements. That you'll always have a smaller state of matter. -
Dalton (1803)
~Things can be broken down into elements
~Elenments are atoms with diffrent mass
~Compounds are a combination of elements -
Electrons are small & negativty charged
~Protons are in the nuclear with is small compared the size of the atom
~For a particular element only certain freqencis of light is absorded. -
Thomson (1913)
That the atom had elements it is different on the inside has more particles. -
Rutherford (1911)
known as the father of nuclear physics
Gold Foil Experiment -
Heisenburg&Schrodinger (1925)
electrons didnt orbit the nucleous neither did electrons