
Democratic Ideals

By AustinQ
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Established respect for certain individual rights, due process of law, and limited government.
  • English Bill Of Rights

    English Bill Of Rights
    extended individual liberties and a new process of law to the nobility.
  • Declaration of Independendence

    Declaration of Independendence
    claimed that unalienable rights were the foundation of all government.
  • Declaration of the Rightsof Men and the Citezen

    Declaration of the Rightsof Men and the Citezen
    extended individual liberties, consent of the governed, and protected the principle of due process of the law.
  • U.S Bill of Rights

    U.S Bill of Rights
    to limit powers of federal government.extended and protected the principles of the individual liberties and due process of law.