Oct 22, 1215
Magna Carta
Jack remembering about the but it is the pilot that crash and his dead body and not such a big deal but the littluns are because they might attack them and it could cause lots of problem to them and they have to be civil to stay alive and not get attack by the beast and it is not really the beast and its a dead body that is from the crash plane.Littun was talking about the beast that they found and they don’t to scared about it because jack is telling them to worried about anything. -
English bill of Rights
English bill of Rights individual liberties and due process of law to the nobility and model for future document such as the declaration of independence. -
declaration of independence
Claimed the unalienable rights were the foundation of all government and he justified american resistance to english rule in these terms and also it was important because it advocated the principle of the consent of the governed. -
Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen
liberties consented governmed protect principle due process of law -
U.S Bill of Rights
U.S Bill of Rights ideas about the relationship between individual and their government and to limit the powers of the federal government.Written into the U.S bill of rights guaranteeing them to the citizen in the United States.