Lydia's Timeline

  • Parents Met

    Parents Met
    8 BB
    They met when they were in collage.
  • Parents Got Married

    Parents Got Married
    5 BB
    They got married
  • Parents Moved In Together

    Parents Moved In Together
    4 BB
    They moved to a house in Springfield.
  • Brother's Birth

    Brother's Birth
    2 BB. Josh was born.
  • Birth

  • Parents Divorced

    Parents Divorced
    3 AB
  • Moved To Springfield House

    Moved To Springfield House
    4 AB
  • Dad Bought His House

    Dad Bought His House
    ___ AB
    It was a duplex.
  • Sister's Birth

    Sister's Birth
    9 AB. Corinthian was born premature. She was very small and I didn't even hold her until she was 5 weeks old.
  • Got My Dog

    Got My Dog
    13 AB. Got my dog Lexi, the best thing in my life. <3