Sima westervelt2

Deforestation: Good for Humans, Bad for Animals

By ahs0663
  • Apr 14, 1500

    The Discovery of Wood in Brazil

    The Discovery of Wood in Brazil
    After the colonization of the Portugese in Brazil, colonists discovered the abundance of wood. Specifically brazilwood, which became the land's major export. This would be the "start" of deforestation.
  • Cattle-Ranching

    Since the 1970's, cattle-ranching has been the leading cause of deforestation in the Amazon, which attributes to about 65-70%,and takes up 80% of land. With pasture runoff contaminating the rivers, the Amazonian river dolphins are poisoned by eating fish that have been contaminated with mercury poisoning.
  • The Trans-Amazon Highway

    The Trans-Amazon Highway
    This 5,000-kilometer highway was planned to split the vast Amazon forest, which resulted with droughts and many indeginous people dying of starvation. From this point on, the Trans-Amazon highway is known as the beginning of contemporary clearing of the land for infrastructure. Poorly planned or failed road building, such as this "highway", can make a huge impact on the land and denizens who rely on the surrounding trees for shelter, food, and protection.
  • Mining

    After the discovery of gold, copper, diamonds, etc., more than 100,000 prospectors invaded the region. Because of the mining, the Amazon lost a large mass of trees. By 1988-1990, about 20,289 sq. miles of trees were cleared out. The after effects of these mining activities are soil erosion, leaving the land fragile, and water contamination.
  • Black Spider Monkey

    Black Spider Monkey
    In 1982, Black Spider Monkeys have been determined vulnerable in their environment. Today, they have shifted to an endangered species because of the destruction of forests and hunting.
  • The Peak

    The Peak
    From July to October, 12,500,000 hectares were burned down in the Amazon due to the construction of road-building, farming, ranching, and logging. This event became the peak of deforestation, meaning the most trees were cut down from this point on.
  • Near Threatened

    Near Threatened
    Jaguars have also been shifted from vulnerable to near threatened due to their homes being destroyed in the Amazon. By reason of forest fragmentation, jaguar populations are isolated and are more vulnerable to being killed by humans.
  • Illegal Logging

    Illegal Logging
    17 people, who were illegally cut down 10,000 hectares of timber, were arrested by the Brazilian authorities. Losing a large mass of trees in a day speeds up the process of endangering animals and the environment.
  • Droughts

    The Amazon experienced severe droughts throughout the year. Experiencing long droughts decay crops and lead to forest fires due to the dryness of the land and warm climates. It is said that the causes of the droughts were land-clearings and climate change.
  • Total

    From 2002-2012, the total amount of land that have been cleared out is about 77,154 sq. miles, and the number raises each year. Considering that deforestation is a global threat, 77,154 sq. mi. is actually not a very big number compared to the amount of land cleared out in other countries, such as countries in Asia and Africa. As trees are being cut down, homes of many animals are stricken away and they have to face the decreasing numbers of their species.