Deficit Change since '08

  • Period: to

    Consumer Prices

    Inflation for Obama’s six and a half years in office has remained constant rising solely by 12.4%. The rise under Obama has been less than 1.9% that is less than half of of the Post WWII average.
    Deficit Area: Budget
    Fiscal Policy
  • Period: to

    Deficit Balancing During Obama's 8 years

    Bush’s last budget plan had caused a 1.16 trillion deficit. Once Obama took office, congress approved emergency funding which added to the deficit by 253 Billion. After his first budget had caused issues, Obama created a new budget where the deficit was 679 billion and caused a 10% cut in spending
    Deficit Area: Balance
    Fiscal Policy
  • Debt

    And the debt also has grown dramatically even when measured as a percentage of the growing economy, from 52 percent of gross domestic product at the end of fiscal year 2009 to just under 74 percent at the end of fiscal 2015, according to the most recent estimate by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
    Deficit Area: Leadership
  • Oil Imports and Dependency

    Oil Imports and Dependency
    The dependency on oil imports is down 24.3% as of last year. This is due to the advances of drilling technology which allows for less dependency on other countries and the import of oil.
    Deficit Area: Trade
    Fiscal Policy
  • Deficit Shrunk by 1 trillion in Obama Era

    Deficit Shrunk by 1 trillion in Obama Era
    During the Obama Era the economy went down to 2.5% which was at 9.8% at the start of Obama’s presidency.
    Deficit Area: Budget
    Fiscal Policy
  • U.S Trade Deficit Doubled, more jobs lost under Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal

    U.S Trade Deficit Doubled, more jobs lost under Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal
    Under the trans-pacific partnership deal with Korea, Obama quoted “more exports, more jobs” as we have doubled the imports but exports have declined. The trade deficit with Korea is equivalent to the loss of more than 106,000 American jobs.
    Deficit Area: Trade (16 Billion more)
    Fiscal Policy