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demars timespan
the quebec act
The Quebec Act of 1774 was an act of the Parliament of Great Britain (citation 14 Geo. III c. 83) setting procedures of governance in the Province of Quebec. The principal components of the act were: The province's territory was expanded to take over part of the Indian Reserve, including much of what is now southern Ontario, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and parts of Minnesota. The oath of allegiance was replaced with one that no longer made reference to the Protestant f -
manitoba school questions
the manitoba quesstion was a political crsis that happene in canada. the problem was seperate schools for roman chtholics and protestante . the problem eventually got bigger , because of how close religion was to langue , people wondered if french would survive as a language or culture in western canada , this idea angred the french speaking canadians because manitoba and other western culture no longer supported french wich strenghtened quebecs nationalis ideals -
may problem came about with conscription, french speaking canadian pride vs ebglidh dpeaking canadians pride , madde alot of canda angry -
the quiet revoulution
a time of great change in quebec , the quebec government took chatge of therir country , back in the 60's the roman chatohlic church had control over education , education ,and many other important things. the quebec government bettered their economy by taking control of therir belongins , organizing events , creating pension plans . this made the peopel of quebec happy but ther nationalist ideals alos rose. the . -
bi and bi commision
Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism , also known as the bi and bi commisin made many changes that pleased peopel, they made canda bilingual making the national language of canada french and english , allowing parents to choose what language there child could learn at schools . many people were happy with the changes , quebec got there quebec and teh rest of canad both were apeased by the achivments the commision made -
new flag
the canadian people as a whole spoke out about the flag -
parti quebecois rene levesque
the pq was founded and the nationlalist ideals of rene levesque ,
a party thyat wanted quebec to have soverngity -
october crisis
events triggred by the kidnapping of goveermnet officials by quebec separatist , this event riggred, multiple events that cause many disagremnst betrween groups like the war measure act -
1980 referendum
the candain government had a national referendum to see if the provinve of quebec could persue a path of soverginity , if this would have many reperussion such as , a split between french and english speaking canadians . after this referendum tensions were high and many peopel became worried, the choice that quebec wateed wasnt bad they just wanted to live there way of life -
meech lake communique
an accord to get persuade the quebec government to 1endorse 982 constitutional amendent and increase suppot of quebec staing to gether with canada but the fail of the ccord energized quebec soverngnity