deemanns tyme lyne

  • birth

    derek fry shaw was born in Oakland CA march 7th 1996 in a highland children hospital
  • Period: to


  • being a foster child

    derek fryshaw was placed into Alemeda county foster care program. derek was moved from three foster homes untill he was finnaly placed in a final home...
  • THE Adoption day

    derek was finnaly adopted by michael and daniel fry-shaw and temperaly complete a family
  • two white butterflys

    i was playing out side running in circles when two whitebutterflys fluttered across and it scared the hell out of me i took of running because ive nver seen a butterfly ever before and when papa and dad came out they saw the butterfly and started laughing
  • the haircut

    when i was four i decided to give my brother josh ,niece elise and myself a haircut oh and my giant teddy bear i gave them three a haircut when my dads were out of town and my sister amber was watching us that night wehn they got home my dad asked what i was thinking and i said i was giving them a haircut like you sometimes.
  • My first brother Josh Fry-Shaw

    exactly three years after my adoption day. My dads set out to expand our family and then josh was adopted
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    mid way

  • then comes two

    three years later we then adopted my second brother brandon fry-shaw
  • lequan my pet fish

    in march 7 2002 i recived my first pet to test my responsibilty skills i had him for 7 years then he died because our power went out and the house got really hot
  • stitches and stitching

    when i was 8 i was runing in flip flops and tripped and fell and hit my head on the edge of a brick flower bed and split my forehead and had to get stitches
  • the cruise

    we all went on a cruise ship the four since and my sister but anyway we all went on a cruise it was a blast from what i remember ,me my brother and my neice went on stage and did a skit it was an intro to the nights entertainment it was called sea sick we also went skating made silly putty that i bakeed on our lamp that night and set of the smoke detector and woke every one that was one hell of a night
  • the move

    in 2004 my family and I packed it up and moved the EL Dorado
  • the bullhorn

    when i was 6 i bought a bull horn whith a siern and that was fun while it lasted although we had the police arrive at our house because the neighbor thought buglers had broken in to our house
  • the big WIPEOUT

    in october 14 2005 it was my first time riding a 8 speed bicycle off road i was riding by bike when the road suddenly went downhill i could not manage to reach the brakes in time and lost control and slid about three feet and did quite the number from my right ankle up my leg through my te shirt up my stomach my arm pit my elbow my shoulder down my the left side of my back
  • gizmo

    for my forthteen birthday i got my very first pet GIZMO a male cockitale who i had for two years then died due to respiratory problems
  • the marriage

    on june 20th 2008 daniel and michael fry-shaw got legaly while they had the chance
  • just after

    after my two dads got legaly married we were all dressed up and went to the sequioa ate there and went to yosemite
  • getng lost at disney land

    we went to disney land and went in to the tarzan treehouse my dad went to the exit at the other side but i went out the enterance and got lost for an hour
  • california screaming

    the first time i went on the ride california screaming i thought it was an regular rider but when it counted down i wasnt' paying attention and bit my lip once it took of it flipping hurt
  • the passing of a buster

    in 2009 due to lung cancer our boxer dog buster passed away we ran a funurel and buried him in our front yard to the song that me and my niece picked out ''i dont wanna miss a thing "by aerosmith
  • getting hope

    for my forteenth birthday we traveled the bay aera to get hope an aferican grey one of the best pets ive had
  • other stuff

    while we were in bakersfield after push and shove and paper work i was acepted in the the alta reginal system then had to move back from were we move from
  • second moove

    in 2011 we moved the bakersfield because of a job offer
  • the camp

    in 2012 i attened my first time at a special camp for one week it was awesome pure awesomeness
  • being a home

    we are currently fostering a child who was removed from home due to difficult stuff
  • it hasent came yet

    im writing this for the fun of it since 2015 hasent came around yet