July Fourth 1776
On July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies declared their independence from England. This led to the formation of the United States. Henry Lee from Virginia presented the famous quote: "Resolved: That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States. -
July 8th Declaration of Independence is read publicly
A 2,000-pound copper-and-tin bell called the “Liberty Bell” rings from the tower of the Pennsylvania State House. The liberty bell called citizens to the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence. Four days earlier, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by delegates to the Continental Congress. -
Delegates begin to sign Declaration of Independence
On this day, the members of Congress wrote their signatures to a larger copy of the Declaration of Independence.
There were fifthy-six congressional delegates that signed the document. There were some who signed even though they were not present at the vote approving the declaration. -
British forces occupy New York
On Sept. 15, 1776, the British army were in control of New York in the Revolutionary War. George Washington's men had escaped New York in the middle of the night and were now camped in New York City. General Howe's troops went across the East River in special boats designed for assault and took the city of New York. -
The battle of Trenton
The Battle of Trenton was a small but important battle during the American Revolutionary War which occurred in the morning in Trenton, New Jersey. In Trenton there were 1,400 Hessian defenders that were still off task from the Christmas festivities, the day before. The men of the USA Army quickly took over the German defenses, and by 9:30 a.m.Trenton was taken over by the US. -
Washington is victorious at Princeton
The Battle of Princeton was a major battle in the Revolutionary War in which the US Army, commanded by George Washington, defeated the British troops near Princeton, New Jersey. Washington's recent victory at Trenton made the enemy think to far ahead which allowed General Washington to outsmart them. Washington left the campfires going, muffled the wheels on the wagons to sneak around and attack for victory in Princeton. -
Benedict's victory at ridgefield, Connecticut
The Battle of Ridgefield was a battle and a series of smaller battles between American and British forces during the Revolutionary War. American troops led by Major General David Wooster attacked the retreating British forces. While Wooster and his men attacked Tryon from the rear, Arnold and his men set up a roadblock at the north, which completely trapped the British troops -
Flag resolution
On this day in 1777, during the Revolutionary war, the Continental Congress adopted a new resolution.they claimed the flag of the United States be thirteen alternate stripes red and white”. Also that “the Union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field to represent the new constellation. -
Winter quarters at valley forge
With the bitter winter cold coming, the US Army under George Washington, still in battle, enters its winter camp at Valley Forge. The camp was 22 miles from British-occupied Philadelphia valley forge was chosen through washingtons decision. Washington chose the west bank of the Schuylkill River that could be effectively defended in case of a British attack. -
British evacuation of Philadelphia
When France allied with the United States and declared war on Great Britain in February 1778 Britain saw the new threat and strategically moved. The loyalists moved with the British army to deal with the new threat that opposed them. There were 15,000 British troops under General Henry Clinton that evacuated Philadelphia under his orders. -
Washington moves out of valley forge
The US Army, of 15,000, leaves Valley Forge in pursuit of the British Army, which is heading across New Jersey to New York City. He wanted to pull his men from their present encampment in the White Marsh area (now Fort Washington State Park) and move to a more safer location for the coming winter. Once the British have moved out of Philadelphia Washington moved his troops in to give them better care and supplies for the winter. -
The redcoats occupy savannah
The First Battle of Savannah, was an American Revolutionary War battle fought on December 29, 1778 pitting local American Patriots and Continental Army units together. Under the command of British general Henry Clinton, Archibald Campbell’s troops captured Savannah, Georgia, an important port city. British army held Savannah for the rest of the war. -
General moultrie defeats Britain at port royal
American troops led by General William Moultrie defended Port Royal, South Carolina from a British attack led by General Augustine. the British had 3,000 trained troops and an unknown number of Tory irregulars. The two armies, unequal in thier numbers, are even more skewed by other men available for duty. -
Patriots defeat loyalists at kettle creek
A Patriot troops of 340 led by Colonel Andrew Pickens of South Carolina with Colonel John Dooly in the Battle of kettle creek. In Georgia defeats a larger force of 700 Loyalist who were led by Colonel James Boyd. The Patriots attempted a two-pronged attack which helped their assault very little because the British still had the upper hand. -
George rogers Clark captures vincennes
"Lieutenant Bailey was ordered, with fourteen men, to go with these men and fire on the fort. While the main troops took control of the strongest part of the town. The fire had now commenced on the fort while reinforcements were sent to the attack of the garrison. -
British Jacques Marcus defeats Americans at brier creek
The Battle of Brier Creek was a Revolutionary War battle fought on March 3, 1779 at Brier Creek with the Savannah River in Georgia. The Southern Troops of the US and Great Britain were facing across the Savannah River. The British controlled Georgia and the Americans controlled South Carolina they were really close in distance for an attack. -
Spain declares war on Great Britain.
Spain declares war on Great Britain, creating an alliance with the Americans. Spain’s King Charles III would not consent to a treaty of alliance with the United States but just a helping alliance. For one major power to support another major power’s colonies in revolt was treacherous. -
General lincoln inflicts extensive British casualties
Great Britain had changed its strategy after France entered the Revolutionary War. Tge british rather than attacking in the North the looked to seize the southern territories instead. British leaders thought that most Southerners supported the crown so they tried to get them on their side. -
Light house harry
A Patriot force consisting of 300 men led by Major Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee attacks the defensive positions of the British at Paulus Hook. Lee wins one of only eight medals awarded by the US Congress during the war. Also the only one awarded to a soldier beneath the rank of general. -
The US attempts to take Back savannah
The battle of Savannah was fought during the Revolution for control of the important coastal city of Savannah, Georgia. British and French troops clashed on the west side of Savannah.
More than 8,000 troops of three forces fought during the Revolutionary War at Battle of Savannah.