Declan Mackay Civil WarTimeline

By DeclanM
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    Civil War
  • Senator Jefferson Davis speaks for Slavery

    Senator Jefferson Davis speaks for Slavery
    Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis presents resolutions as to why slavery should be allowed in the territories. He also gave reasons as to why the nation should protect slaveholders. His intention was to unite the Democratic party.
  • Cooper Union Adddress

    Cooper Union Adddress
    Lincoln gives the Cooper Union Address, in which he validated the Federal Government banning slavery in new territories. This was Lincoln's most influential speech and many people believe it won him the presidency.
  • The Pony Express

    The Pony Express
    The Pony Express begins going from Saint Louis, Missouri to Sacremento, California. It had 119 stations that were each 12 miles apart. They made it possible for more letters to be delivered in a more timely manner.
  • Constitutional Union Party Forms

    Constitutional Union Party Forms
    The former members of the American and Whig parties meet in Baltimore and form the Constitutional Union Party, They elect John Bell to be their candidate for president and Edward Everett as candidate for vice president.
  • Grace Bedell writes to Lincoln

    Grace Bedell writes to Lincoln
    Grace Bedell, an 11 year old girl, writes Lincoln. In her letter she tells him that a beard would make his face look better because it is so thin. Lincoln immediatly decides to let his whiskers grow out.
  • Southern Secession is Urged

    Southern Secession is Urged
    Seven senators and twenty-three representatives issue a manifesto urging southern secession. It also recommends forming a Souther Confederacy.
  • The Vote

    The Vote
    The South Carolina convention votes 159-0 to secede.
  • South Carolina secedes from the Union

    South Carolina secedes from the Union
    South Carolina secedes from the United States of America after Lincoln is elected president
  • South Carolina Congressmen

    South Carolina Congressmen
    The South Carolina Congressmen resign due to secession. However, their names remain on the roll because the Union still does not agknowledge secession.
  • South Carolina's Declaration

    South Carolina's Declaration
    South Carolina issues their "Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Seccession of South Carolina from the Federal Union". This was South Carolina's version of the "Declaration of Independence".
  • Mississippi Secedes From the Union

    Mississippi Secedes From the Union
    Mississippi secedes from the United States along with south Carolina
  • Florida Secedes From the Union

    Florida Secedes From the Union
    Florida secedes from the United States along with South Carolina, and Mississippi .
  • Alabama Secedes From the Union

    Alabama Secedes From the Union
    Alabama secedes from the United States along with South Carolina, Mississippi, and Florida
  • Georgia Secedes From the Union

    Georgia Secedes From the Union
    Georgia secedes from the United States along with South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama
  • Confederate States of America Formed

    Confederate States of America Formed
    The Confederate States of America is formed, and Jefferson Davis is elected to be the Confederate president
  • Abraham Lincoln Becomes President

    Abraham Lincoln Becomes President
    Abraham Lincoln officially becomes the 16th president of the United States of America
  • Siege of Fort Sumter

    Siege of Fort Sumter
    Confederates fire on fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina
  • Lincoln Orders a Blockade

    Lincoln Orders a Blockade
    Lincoln orders a blockade on Confederate Ports
  • Battle of Big Bethel

    Battle of Big Bethel
    The First land battle of the war in Virginia
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    The Confederate soldiers make the Union retreat, showing the union that this conflict is serious
  • Battle of Fort Henry

    Battle of Fort Henry
    Battle at Fort Henry in Tennessee
  • The Battle of Fort Donelson

    The Battle of Fort Donelson
    The battle of fort Donelson in Tennessee
  • The Battle of Pea Ridge

    The Battle of Pea Ridge
    The Union victory loosened the Confederate hold on Missouri and disrupted southern control of a portion of the Mississippi River.
  • McClellan moves his 121,500 troops to Richmond

    McClellan moves his 121,500 troops to Richmond
    George McClellan moves his 121,500 troops to Richmond. It takes three weeks and 400 boats to land at Fortress Monroe on the Virginia coast.
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    The Battle of Shiloh at Pittsburgh Landing in Tennessee; 23,700 casualties.
  • The Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans
    Admiral David Farragut sails past forts at the mouth of the Mississippi River to take the city.
  • The Battle of Seven Pines

    The Battle of Seven Pines
    General Joseph Johnston, commander of the Confederate army in Virginia is wounded and replaced by Robert E. Lee who renames his command the Army of Northern Virginia
  • The Seven Days' Battles

    The Seven Days' Battles
    General Lee's army attacks the "Army of the Potomac" under General George McClellan in a succession of battles beginning at Mechanicsville on June 26 and ending at Malvern Hill on July 1.
  • The Second Battle of Bull Run

    The Second Battle of Bull Run
    The Battle of Second Manassas in Virginia. There were 25,251 casualties.
  • The Battle of Antietam Creek

    The Battle of Antietam Creek
    The Battle of Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland; 23,000 casualties in the bloodiest day of combat in American history.
  • The Battle of Fredericksburg

    The Battle of Fredericksburg
    The Battle of Fredericksburg in Virginia. There were 17,900 casualties.
  • Battle of Stones River

     Battle of Stones River
    Fought between the Union Army of the Cumberland under General William Rosecrans and the Confederate Army of Tennessee under General Braxton Bragg, the costly Union victory frees middle Tennessee from Confederate control and boosts northern morale.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Lincoln Issues General Amnesty

     Lincoln Issues General Amnesty
    Faced with an estimated 125,000 deserters, Abraham Lincoln issues general amnesty for all who will report back to duty.
  • The Battle of Chancellorsville

    The Battle of Chancellorsville
    The Battle of Chancellorsville in Virginia. There were 30,051 casualties.
  • Exiled to the South.

    Exiled to the South.
    Ohio Congressman Clement Vallandigham, an outspoken critic of Abraham Lincoln and the war, is exiled to the South.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. There were 51,000 casualties.
  • The Battle of Vicksburg

    The Battle of Vicksburg
    The Battle of Vicksburg in Mississippi. There were 50,000 casualties; and 29,000 rebels surrendered
  • Draft Riots Begin in New York City

     Draft Riots Begin in New York City
    50,000 people (mostly Irish) riot in New York City in opposition to the draft, attacking and beating blacks.
  • The Battle of Chickamauga Creek

    The Battle of Chickamauga Creek
    The Battle of Chickamauga Creek in Georgia. There were 34,444 casualties.
  • The Gettysburg Address

    The Gettysburg Address
    Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg address
  • The Battle of Chattanooga

    The Battle of Chattanooga
    The Battle of Chattanooga in Tennessee. There were 12,491 casualties.
  • New Union General

    New Union General
    Ulysses S. Grant is named general-in-chief of the Union armies.
  • The Massacre at Fort Pillow

    The Massacre at Fort Pillow
    The Massacre at Fort Pillow on the Mississippi River in Tennessee; 431 casualties.
  • The Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania

    The Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania
    The Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania near Chancellorsville, Virginia; 54,000 casualties.
  • The Battle of Cold Harbor

    The Battle of Cold Harbor
    The Battle of Cold Harbor in Virginia; 13,500 casualties.
  • The Battle of Kennesaw Mountain

    The Battle of Kennesaw Mountain
    The Battle of Kennesaw Mountain near Marietta, Georgia; 2,321 casualties.
  • The Battles for Atlanta

    The Battles for Atlanta
    The Battles for Atlanta; 20,000 casualties.
  • The Naval Battle of Mobile Bay

    The Naval Battle of Mobile Bay
    The Naval Battle of Mobile Bay; 589 casualties.
  • The Battle of Cedar Creek

    The Battle of Cedar Creek
    The Battle of Cedar Creek in the Shenandoah Valley: 8,665 casualties.
  • Lincoln is re-elected

    Lincoln is re-elected
    Abraham Lincoln is re-elected to a second term winning more than 55 percent of the popular vote.
  • The Battle of Nashville

    The Battle of Nashville
    The Battle of Nashville in Tennessee; 4,449 casualties.
  • The Battles for Fort Fisher end

    The Battles for Fort Fisher end
    The Battles for Fort Fisher end in North Carolina; 1,841 casualties.
  • Confederate Peace Commission

    Confederate Peace Commission
    Abraham Lincoln meets with the Confederate Peace Commission at Hampton Roads, Virginia.
  • The Confederates abandon Charleston

    The Confederates abandon Charleston, South Carolina.
  • Freedmen’s Bureau.

    Freedmen’s Bureau.
    The Union Congress creates the Freedmen’s Bureau.
  • Slaves as Soldiers.

    Slaves as Soldiers.
    The Confederacy authorizes the arming of slaves as soldiers.
  • The Battle of Petersburg

    The Battle of Petersburg
    The Battle of Petersburg in Virginia; 17,000 casualties.
  • Attack on Fort Stedman

    Attack on Fort Stedman
    Attack on Fort Stedman, Petersburg, Virginia. Touted as "Lee's last offensive",
  • Davis flees Richmond

    Davis flees Richmond
    Jefferson Davis flees Richmond, hoping to escape to the South; Abraham Lincoln arrives in the city.
  • Robert E. Lee surrenders

    Robert E. Lee surrenders
    Robert E. Lee surrenders at Appomattox Court House, Virginia.
  • Lincoln is assassinated

    Lincoln is assassinated
    Abraham Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
  • The Liberator

    The Liberator
    The last issue of the Liberator is published. The newspaper has now becomes unnecessary because the slaves have been freed.
  • Jesse James

    Jesse James
    The first day light bank robbery takes place in Liberty, Missouri. This was carried out by Jesse James and his gang, although no one is quite sure where Jesse James fits into this event.

    The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is founded in New York by Henry Bergh.
  • Nickel

    Congress approves the minting of a five cent piece, know as the nickel. This eliminates the half dime.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th amendment is ratified. This gives civil rights to all the freed African Americans.
  • Tennessee

    Following the Civil War Tennessee becomes the first state readmitted to the Union.
  • General of the Army

    General of the Army
    Congress passes the legislation making General of the Army a rank. Ulysses S. Grant is the first to hold that title.
  • Atlantic Cable

    Atlantic Cable
    The Atlantic Cable is established allowing transatlantic telegraph communication for the first time.
  • Train Robbery

    Train Robbery
    The first train robbery takes place. The Reno brothers get away with $13,000.
  • Jesse and gang

    Jesse and gang
    Jesse James and his gang robs a bank in Lexington, Missouri. They get away with $2,000.
  • African American Males are given the right to Vote

    African American Males are given the right to Vote
    African American males are given the right to vote in Washington D.C. Congress over came President Johnson's veto to give the African Americans this right.
  • Jesse James in Savannah

    Jesse James in Savannah
    Jesse James robs a bank in Savannah,Missouri. The attempt failed with one casualty.
  • First Reconstruction Act

    First Reconstruction Act
    The first reconstruction act sets up five military districts in the South, each under the control of a military commander. The Army Appropriations Act is passed, lessening Johnsons' control on the army. The final act passed is The Tenure Office Act which states that Johnson cannot remove cabinet members without the Senate's consent.
  • Ride ins

    Ride ins
    African Americans stage a ride on streetcars in New Orleans to protest segregation.
  • Alaska

    President Andrew Johnson announces the purchase of Alaska. This would be the second to last state added to the United States of America.
  • Third Reconstruction Act

    Third Reconstruction Act
    Johnson vetoes the third reconstruction act which spells out election procedures in the South and reasserts congressional control over the Reconstruction. Congress overrides Johnsons' veto,
  • Johnson suspends Stanton

    Johnson suspends Stanton
    Johnson suspends Stanton as Secretary of War after the two clash over reconstruction plans. Johnson places Ulysses S. Grant in the position.
  • Alaska is formerly acquired

    Alaska is formerly acquired
    The United States officially takes possesion of Alaska from Russia. $7.2 million is paid for it.
  • Impeachment

    Congress looks into impeaching Johnson for his lack of effectiveness and unwillingness to follow through with reconstruction.
  • Grange

    Former Minnesota farmer Oliver Hudson Kelley founds the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry. Today this order is known as the farmers organization Grange.