Harper's Ferry
John Brown and a group of 18 followers attacked and siezed control of a United States arsenal. He was tried for treason, found guilty, and sentenced to death. He and 6 og his followers were hanged. -
Period: to
Chapter 15
Confederate States of America established
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas all forned the Confederate States. -
Lincoln's First Election
When Lincoln was elected he believed that slavery was morally wrong. Lincoln's rivals during the election were: John Bell, Stephen A. Douglas, and John Breckinridge -
South Secedes
The South seceded because they feared that Lincoln would abolish slavery. After they seceded (South Carolina) four more states seceded as well. -
First Income Tax
(There was no specific day and month) The first income tax stated that planters could pay " in kind" (as a percentage of their produce). -
1st Battle of Bull Run
McDowell almost succeeded in dispersing the Confederate forces. The southerners began an attack so McDowell called a retreat. -
1st Confiscation Act
Declared that all slaves use for "insurrectionary" purposes would be considered freed. -
Trent Affairs
(in late 1861) When James Mason and John Slidell snuck on to an Engish steamer, the Trent. -
Monitor vs. Merriman
Monitor-Was made of all iron, that was able to float.
Merrimac-Was covered with Iron on the outside acting as a shield.
The Merrimac drew off after they had battled in Virginia for 4.5 hours. -
In the first day of fighting the Southerners drove Grant back to the river and the next day forced Beauregard to withdraw. -
Capture of New Orleans
David G. Farragut smashed past weak confederate forts near the mouth of the Mississippi and from there conquered. The city surrendured the on April 25, it was the first major Union victory. -
2nd Confiscation Act
Declared free slaves of persons aiding and supporting the insurrection and which authorized the president to employ African Americans, including freed slaves, as soldiers. -
(Union victory) The president announced his intention to use his war powers to issue an execuive order freeing all slaves in the Confederacy. Later on creating the Emancipation Proclamation. -
Writ of Habeas Corpus suspended
A court oder directing that anyone arrested should be brought before the court to see whether there is sufficient evidence to hold the person for trial. -
Homestead/Morrill Land Grant Acts
Homestead-Permitted any citizen or prospective citizen to clain 160 acres of public land and to purchase it for a small fee after living on it for 5 years.
Morrill Land Grant-Transferred substantial public acreage to the state governments, which were to sell the land and use the proceeds to finance public education. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Declared forever free slaves in all areas of the Confederacy except those already under Union control. -
National Draft Law instated
All young adult males were eligible to be drafted (into the army). A man could escape service by hiring someone to go in his place or by paying the government a fee of $500. -
Vicksburg was well pretected, surrounded by rough country on the North and low, marshy ground on the West, and with good artilery coverage of the river itself. In the end, Vicksburg was pumbled. -
Capture of Richmond
Im not really sure what happened, it ended up with the 7 days war. -
Capture of Atlanta
Sherman's army was weakened when Hood attacked them but in the end they still captured Atlanta -
Sherman's March to the Sea
Signaled the beginning of a new kind of warfare. It was total destruction. -
Lincoln's Re-Election
Won confortably with 212 electoral votes. If Lincoln didn't make a special arrangement to allow the Union troops to vote, the Democrats might have won. -
Lincoln's Assassination
Lincon was shot in the back of his ear by a revolver, the same night there were plans to kill the secretary but the others backed down and did not go through with it. -
13th Amendment
Abolished slavery as an institution of all parts of the United States. Later on legalized slavery finaly ceased to exist in the United States. -
Surrender at Appomattox
This is were Robert E. Lee surrendured to Grant. and at the same time, confederate forces surrendured to Sherman