
By lj_ison
  • Airplanes

    The first working airplane was invented by the Wright brothers. This has significantly improved our lives by giving us safer and faster transportation.
  • Radio

    A lot of people worked on the radio so there isn't really a specific person who invented it. How its improved our lives is now we can send messages across the world.
  • Sub-machine gun

    It was invented by John Thompson in 1920. It has been used ever since. it was made to fire small rounds at a fast past.
  • Microwave oven

    Percy Spencer is credited as the inventor of the oven in World War 2. It said that he made it with old radio parts. We use it now to heat up food or cook it.
  • Heart pacemaker

    This invention was invented by Wilson Greatbatch. This device has saved so many lives and is probably one of the most important inventions.