1950's houses

Decade Study: 1950's Housing

  • 1950's Housing: The 'Queenslander'

    1950's Housing: The 'Queenslander'
    'Queenslanders' were built up high on timber supports. These were mostly found in the hotter regions of Australia while the others were in the colder regions. It had an iron roof and a verandah which covered the perimeter of the building to catch the breeze. Most had the regular rooms (Kitchen, Bathroom, Lounge Room and about 2 or 3 Bedrooms)
  • 1950's Housing: Regular Homes

    1950's Housing: Regular Homes
    Regular homes were found in the colder areas of Australia and the cities. They were single story, brick houses with tiled roofs. They also contained the regular rooms still found in houses today such as the Kitchen and Bedrooms. The kitchens were often 'fitted'.
  • 1950's Housing: Overview

    1950's Housing: Overview
    When the war was over many Australian's had the 'Australian Dream' which was to build and own their own home. After the war the levels of people living in homes rose from about 40% to about 70% around 1960. This rise was caused mainly by 2 things, the number of returning soldiers and higher immigration levels.
  • Period: to

    Australian Housing

    Changes in housing in Australia from the 1950's to now.
  • 1950's Housing: The Laundry

    1950's Housing: The Laundry
    Many Australian houses had laundries and same had toilets in a seperate building in their backyard, rather than in their house. This may have been because it was easier to get to washing lines etc. or that the things done in the laundry were better to be done outside.
  • 1960's Housing: Expansion

    1960's Housing: Expansion
    As housing equipment became cheaper and tchnology advanced many houses were becoming cheaper to build which meant people could afford to pay for bigger houses or extensions to their existing houses. Thsi meant that second bathrooms and more bedrooms were added. But the main increase was in the new 'family or rumpus' rooms.
  • 1960's Housing: The Rise of Cars

    1960's Housing: The Rise of Cars
    In the 1950's, cars were way too expensive for many families to purchase but when there was a rise in incomes and more second hand cars being available the amount of car owners shot up in the 1960's. This had an effect on housing, though, as more people didn't need public transport they were moving away from stations and it also brought the inclusion of the garage and carports into many homes.
  • 1970's Housing: Changes In Style

    1970's Housing: Changes In Style
    In the 1970's houses were starting to change in style. The way the houses were built and their interior decorations changed. An example of this were three fronted houses and pink and green tiles in the bathroom.
  • 1970's Housing: Environmental Houses

    1970's Housing: Environmental Houses
    After the 1974 oil crisis there was a stronger emphasis on being more environmental which lead to new innovations in house building. Solar energy was introduced for heat and energy purposes. As well as this people started to move to the bush regins and they experimented with mud bricks and more. This started to revolutionise home building.
  • 1980's Housing: The 'Urban Sprawl'

    1980's Housing: The 'Urban Sprawl'
    The urban sprawl was a result of the increased desire to live in the inner city suburbs because of their various features such as cafes and restaurants. A ngative of this was that transport and roads were becoming worse which meant there had to be improvements.
  • 1980's Housing: Renovations

    1980's Housing: Renovations
    As more peole moved to the city regions, areas cosidered as 'slums' or 'dumps' were being populated and the houses in them were being renovated.
  • 1990's Housing: Continued 'Urban Sprawl'

    1990's Housing: Continued 'Urban Sprawl'
    The issue of 'Urban Sprawl' continued in to the 90's as the 'Australian Dream' was still around. This meant that there had to be some solutions to the problem. Some of these solutions included improved public transport and housing developments in other areas which made better use of the land.
  • 1990's Housing: Bigger Houses, Less People

    1990's Housing: Bigger Houses, Less People
    Houses that were being built were still becoming bigger even though the population increase was declining. In about 1995 thre was an estimated 2.5 rooms to every person. Front and Backyards were becoming smaller as the houses dominated the land.
  • 1990's Housing: Helping The Environment

    1990's Housing: Helping The Environment
    The push for more ecologically better homes continued and new ways of home building and living were created to improve our footprint. There were new things such as insulation and better building materials, which were designed to use less energy.
  • 2000's Housing: A Different Look

    2000's Housing: A Different Look
    In the 2000's houses have started to become more unique in the design such as the inclusion of curves and glass balconies. Again there has been a rise in the size of houses with the majority of the poulation living in a 2 or more story house. There have aslo been the introduction of other energy saving ideas as well as ideas which improve comfort. Although buildings have become bigger they are still made from the same old bricks or timber.