The 1970 Torino GT convertible. The styling was completely redesigned to a more coke bottle styling. 1970 was a very successful year for Torino's, they were selected as Motor Trends "car of the year." Not to mention over 230,000 Torinos were produced. -
Musical artists (Michael Jackson)
Michael Jackson; Most awarded artist of all time. Eagles; Produced 5 number one singles. David Bowie; He voiced a character in sponge-bob the movie. -
Intel 4004
Chip designing started in 1970. First commercial available microprocessor by Intel. 4-bit processing unit -
U.S. President Richard Nixon
37th president and 36th vice president. The youngest vice president. He wad born in Yorba Linda, California. Reelected in the largest electoral landslides, defeated George McGovern (1972) -
Toys (Nerf ball)
Sold around 4 million in its first year -
actor or actress; Lynda Carter
Lynda Carter won Miss World USA. She started making appearances on tv shows, such as "Starsky", before her career took off. Carter almost gave up until her manager informed her that Joanna Cassidy lost the part to her. -
Sports figure; Tom Seaver
Played college football for the university of Maryland. Stayed 43 all throughout his career with the Buffalo Bills. In 1972 he was RCB, but in 1973 he switched to FS -
Fashion (blonde streaked or frosted hair)
Inspired by lead singer of the band “Blondie” -
A movie; The Exorcists
Max Von Sydow forgot his lines after hearing all the foul language from Lynda Blair's dialogue. The scream of the demon coming out of Lynda Blair was really a recording of squealing pigs going to the slaughter house. In order for the priest to be surprised the director had to slap him and yell "action!" unexpectedly. -
TV or Radio show; Wonder Woman
Diana Prince was just as important as her alter-ego. Her bullet deflection bracelet was in Carter's hands literally. The show took a made time jump between seasons 1 and 2. -
Fashion (hippie look)
Most of the outfit was homemade -
Fashion (Pants suits)
With every year the pants flared up more -
Musical artists (David Bowie)
Bowie starred in the cult film The Man Who Fell to Earth -
The first skate park was created, and new parks emerged with new elements such as vertical ramps and kickers -
Elvis Presley found dead 1977; News event
His death was said to be caused by a heart attack. Presley had an enlarged heart. There's a distinct difference between cause and means of death -
Toys (Mattel Electronic Football)
Very first hand held football video game, when kids didn't want play football outside they played inside. -
Music artists (The Eagles)
The 1977, "Hotel California" was considered The Eagles most famous recording by the band.