
Decade of Inventions and Inventors 1900's

  • Turing Machine

    Turing Machine
    Invented by Alan Turning, proposed concept of a universal machine
  • 1st Programmable Computer

    1st Programmable Computer
    Invented by Konrad Zeusse, first to use Bodeon Logic
  • Bodeon Logic

    Bodeon Logic
    Invented by Zeusse. Results are true or false. First data storage devices
  • Worlds First Commercial Computer

    Worlds First Commercial Computer
    Invented by Zeuss, Modern day computer, funded by IBM
  • Harvard Mark 1 Calculating Machine

    Harvard Mark 1 Calculating Machine
    Invented by Howard Aiken, 1 mill parts, 5 miles in wiring, 5 tons
  • 1st Computer debug

    1st Computer debug
    Invented by Grace Hopper, coined the word debugging, stopped blocking of reading holes
  • 1st Digital Computer

    1st Digital Computer
    Invented by John Antasoff and Clifford Barry. Modem, fully digital requiring less power and faster and more reliable
  • Beginning of transition Era

    Beginning of transition Era
    Second Generation of Inventions ex: hardware, software, assembly