Deborah Sampson

By jbartol
  • Period: to

    Deborah Sampson

  • Birth date

    Birth date
    Deborah Sampson was born in Plympton Massachusetts to Jonathan Sampson and Deborah (Bradford) Sampson. She was the oldest out of her five siblings.
  • Deborah Sampson unsuccessfully enlists in the army

    Deborah Sampson unsuccessfully enlists in the army
    Deborah Sampson attempts to enlist under the name of Timothy Thayer at a local tavern. She fails when she gets drunk and does not show up at assembly. After this event, people began questioning her identity. They figured out that she was a woman.
  • Massachusetts

    Massachusetts no longer identifies adulterers with a scarlet "A"branded on the skin or sewn on a garnment.
  • Deborah Sampson successfully enlists.

    Deborah Sampson successfully enlists.
    Deborah Sampson successfully enlists under the name of Robert Shurtliff. She is enlisted in the continental army for a three year term in the fourth Massachusetts regiment.
  • Deborah Sampson's first battle

    Deborah Sampson's first battle
    During her first battle outside Terrytown New York Deborah Sampson recieved two muskett balls in her thigh and an enormous cut on her forehead. She escaped from the hospital before they could examine the muskett balls in her thigh.
  • The Newburgh Conspiracy

    The Newburgh Conspiracy
    Continental officers threatened to revolt against a " country that tramples on your rights".
  • Fever strikes

    Fever strikes
    The fever strikes Deborah Sampson and her identity as a woman is exposed.
  • Army discharge

    Army discharge
    Deborah Sampson recieves an honorable discharge at West Point.
  • Deborah Sampson gets a new life

    Deborah Sampson gets a new life
    Deborah Sampson returns to Massachusetts and to a womens life. She marries Benjamin (a farmer) and they have three kids.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    Farmers in Massachusetts were faced with high taxes, eviction, and imprisonment for debt so they attacked the Springfield arsenal.
  • George Washington becomes president

    George Washington becomes president
    The electoral college selects George Washington as president.
  • The Proclomation of Neutrality

    The Proclomation of Neutrality
    This proclomation states that Americans should avoid taking sides in the war between Britain and France.
  • The U.S. capital is moved

    The U.S. capital is moved
    The U.S. capital was moved from Philadelphia to Washington
  • Thomas Jefferson becomes president

    Thomas Jefferson becomes president
    Thomas Jefferson becomes the third president.
  • The 1st women in the U.S. to lecture professionally

    The 1st women in the U.S. to lecture professionally
    Deborah Sampson embarks on a lecture tour throughout the northeast. She lectured about her expierience in the Continental army. During her lectures she wore a blue and white uniform and was armed with a muskett.
  • Deborah Sampson is granted a pension

    Deborah Sampson is granted a pension
    The government granted Deborah Sampson a pension with the help of Paul Revere.
  • The first hotel in the U.S. opens

    The first hotel in the U.S. opens
    The first hotel in the U>S. opens in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
  • The Ameican Warship

    The Ameican Warship
    The British frigate leopard fires on the American Warship in Chesapeake, killing three people.
  • The British burned the Capitol building

    The British burned the Capitol building
    The british burned the capitol building in Washington.
  • Death date

    Death date
    Deborah Sampson passes away in Sharon Massachusetts.