my birth
i was born at 9.9 pounds and 22 inches long. I was cuddled next to my mom. -
Period: to
life of dealian
first time walking
still considered an infant, I was taking my first steps of many more to come. -
first day of preschool
I was probably nervous but I was off to my first day of preschool -
first sporting event
It was my first sporting event ever. And also the first team I've ever been on -
first day of kinder garden
It was my first day of grade school. I came to meet my teachers and do some fun activities. -
holy commuin
I was so nervous because it was the most important sacrement to make. -
arch diacies
It was my first time ever at an arch diacies track and field championship. I might of had bad luck because I had the worst jumps of my season -
graduating from grade school
I was excited and nervous at the same time I had finished grade school. But was on to middle school -
first home run
I was so excited because I hit my first home run ever. also it was on my birthday. -
first varsity football season
It was my first time ever playing for a varsity team. and I start too so I'm pretty hapy about that